Sanitation paradigm shift with dry toilet solutions at music festivals in Germany Dry Toilet 2015 Roach, E. et al. (2015)

More than 5001 music festivals are carried out in Germany per year. These mass events attract about 33 million2 people per year, with often more than 10,000 visitors per event. Music festivals frequently take place in remote areas without adequate sanitation infrastructure. Currently, sanitation management at these events is usually based on mobile chemical toilets, which do not always provide a user friendly sanitation solution and frequently lead to dysfunction of small treatment plants of rural communities. Different types of dry toilets have begun to be seen as an alternative solution – in tune with ecological aspirations of festival visitors – with an increase of festivals offering a small amount of dry toilets alongside chemical toilets.This paper looks into the current situation of dry sanitation at mass events in Germany. The paper further shows the potential of dry toilets at mass events by looking at examples of large scale waterless sanitation infrastructure provided at European festivals and gives an overview of actors in the scene. Additionally the challenges which companies face while establishing a dry sanitation solution for mass events in Germany, especially in terms of the legal framework, are described.

Bibliographic information

Roach, E. et al. (2015). Sanitation paradigm shift with dry toilet solutions at music festivals in Germany Dry Toilet 2015 Dry Toilet Conference 2015

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsUrine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) English


Sanitation paradigm shift with dry toilet solutions at music festivals in Germany

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Sanitation paradigm shift with dry toilet solutions at music festivals in Germany

Published in: 2015
Pages: 13

Dry Toilet Conference 2015

Roach, E. et al.

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