Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antibacterial sanitary units Various documents on results from research grant Malak, H. K. (2013)

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Henry K. Malak is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below. Short description of the project: In our Phase-I project we propose to incorporate recent advances in nanotechnology and hydrophobicity of silicone materials for the development and application of novel, cost-effective, durable, antimicrobial and self-cleaning surfaces for sanitary units and sanitary facilities. Goal(s): Our overall aim is to develop and disseminate unique, cost effective, self-cleaning, durable, and antimicrobial coatings applicable to non-piped and minimal-water sanitation projects for both the urban and rural poor. Objectives: 1. Develop prototypic self-cleaning and antimicrobial coatings. 2. Perform cost-benefit and process analyses for making effective coatings efficiently to meet Gates Foundation guidelines for costs of commercial sanitary units to less than $0.05/user/day. 3. Establish those working collaborations and/or partnerships with Gates grantees, companies, and international organizations in developing countries to fulfill our Objective 1 and their antimicrobial and cleanliness needs for sanitary projects. Start and end date: 01 November, 2011 to October 31 2014, final report due 15 December 2014 Research or implementation partners for Phase II: Sanergy Limited, Nairobi Kenya and PID, Ltd Mbazwana, Mbazwana in Africa, and Eram Scientific Solutions, Kerala, India. Authors: Malak, H., Malak, I., Dicello, J. F. +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: 1- Poster: Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antibacterial sanitary units (August, 2012)

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Further information on discussion forum

Bibliographic information

Malak, H. K. (2013). Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antibacterial sanitary units Various documents on results from research grant American Environmental Systems, Inc., Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

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Fundamental research and engineeringEnglish

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 Further information on discussion forum


1- Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antibacterial sanitary units (August, 2012)

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Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antibacterial sanitary units

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

American Environmental Systems, Inc., Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

Malak, H. K.

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