Framework Conditions for Private Service Delivery in Faecal Sludge Management in Kampala Schuen, R., Musabe, K. (2015)

Sanitation issues are some of the most significant development challenges for Kampala City, Uganda. Like many other capital cities in developing countries, Kampala is experiencing rapid population and economic growth. However, provision of key services including adequate sanitation for the city population has not been in tandem with these developments.

In Uganda, piped sanitation systems are available only to a very limited extent of the urban population. In Kampala, about 90% of the people rely on on-site sanitation solutions, a greater proportion of which cannot be considered “improved” or “acceptable” in most cases: too many households share one toilet, leading to unhygienic conditions; pit-latrines are unlined, filled with solid wastes, and hard to access for emptying services, ultimately leading to filled-up facilities that are either abandoned or directly emptied into the environment, posing health and environmental risks for the city and its people. High population growth rates and increasing urbanisation add to the fact that especially in poor urban areas and informal settlements, access to sanitation is inadequate and collection, transport as well as treatment of faecal sludge remain a great challenge.

Bibliographic information

Schuen, R., Musabe, K. (2015). Framework Conditions for Private Service Delivery in Faecal Sludge Management in Kampala Kampala Capital City Authority

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Framework Conditions for Private Service Delivery in Faecal Sludge Management in Kampala

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Framework Conditions for Private Service Delivery in Faecal Sludge Management in Kampala

Published in: 2015
Pages: 46

Kampala Capital City Authority

Schuen, R., Musabe, K.

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