Enhancing protection capacity through improved field support in technical sectors (water and sanitation) Ganai, T. (2008)

This report presents the summary of accomplishments, findings and limitations and issues that needs following up in particular reference to the VIP Latrines as a human waste disposal system in the context of Bhutanese Refugee Programme (BRP) in Nepal. The report reviews and documents the choice and selection of the VIP latrine as the human waste disposal system from social, health, technical and environmental perspective. For the evaluation of the human waste disposal system in place, sample survey and focussed group discussion in particular with the Bhutanese Refugee Women’s Forum, discussions with respective partners, host communities, local government authorities and review of the past studies were carried out. The report has been divided into three segments; Description of the initial situations during the emergency phase which lead to the selection of the VIP latrine as the choice of human waste disposal system for the 70,000 plus refugee population then; analysis of the technical designs, drawings and cost estimates of the VIP latrine; analysis of the operation and maintenance of the system during the Care and Maintenance phase and recommendation for futures trends to be adopted during the third country resettlement and consolidation of the residual caseload phase.

Bibliographic information

Ganai, T. (2008). Enhancing protection capacity through improved field support in technical sectors (water and sanitation) UNHCR, Public Health and HIV Section, Division of Operational Services, Nepal

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Report on “enhancing protection capacity through improved field support in technical sectors (water and sanitation)"

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Enhancing protection capacity through improved field support in technical sectors (water and sanitation)

Published in: 2008
Pages: 0

UNHCR, Public Health and HIV Section, Division of Operational Services, Nepal

Ganai, T.

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