Die nachhaltige Umsetzung von alternativen Sanitärmethoden (UDDTs) in Peru (in German) The sustainable implementation of alternative sanitation methods (UDDTs) in Peru Windolf, K. (2010)

The goal of this thesis is to determine which conditions must be met in order for UDDT projects to be undertaken in a long-lasting manner and therefore work continuously. Steps which have assisted in obtaining this information were interviews with experts, analysis of project locations and questionnaires. In addition there is an evaluation of sanitary policy in Peru and goals which have been set for the future. As a result it is determined that Peru, on account of poor sanitary provision and the unequal division of water within the country (See Chapter 5.1) needs to develop a policy which offers the possibility of solving both problems. Solely utilising conventional sanitary systems cannot be a solution here due to serious deficiency in water in the coastal areas and very widely dispersed residential structures which dominate in many parts of the country (See Chapter 4.2). Political efforts corresponding to the Millennium Development Goals of halving the amount of people without adequate sanitary and drinkable water provision by 2015 are to be regarded extremely positively (See Chapter 6.2), however, a realistic evaluation of these goals should take place. Investments made hitherto leave doubts concerning the achievability of these goals.

Bibliographic information

Windolf, K. (2010). Die nachhaltige Umsetzung von alternativen Sanitärmethoden (UDDTs) in Peru (in German) The sustainable implementation of alternative sanitation methods (UDDTs) in Peru Diploma thesis, Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Peri-urbanUrban (entire city)Case studies in other formatsGerman


Die nachhaltige umsetzung von alternativen sanitarmethoden (UDDTs) in Peru

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Die nachhaltige Umsetzung von alternativen Sanitärmethoden (UDDTs) in Peru (in German)

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

Diploma thesis, Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany

Windolf, K.

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