Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in GTZ headquarters in Germany User opinions and maintenance challenges Blume, S., Winker, M. (2010)

In the main office building of GTZ in Eschborn, Germany a resource-oriented sanitation system containing urine-diversion toilets and waterless urinals is in operation since 2006. After 2.5 years of operating the system, a first overall evaluation of the system and its acceptance amongst users and cleaning staff was conducted. The overall result is that most of the users appreciate the resource oriented sanitation concept (recycling of nutrients and water savings) but have problems with the technical design. Also, it is difficult to convince the cleaning staff of the necessity of special cleaning routines. Hence, before such systems can be widely spread, clear cleaning routines and maintenance documentations are required as well as certain technical modification to ease optimise the separation in the toilet bowl as well as the change of spare parts of the toilet.

Bibliographic information

Blume, S., Winker, M. (2010). Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in GTZ headquarters in Germany User opinions and maintenance challenges

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Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in GTZ headquarters in Germany

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Three years of operation of the urine-diversion system in GTZ headquarters in Germany

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0


Blume, S., Winker, M.

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