The economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India Tyagi, A., Hutton, G., Sen, S. (2006)

Sanitation is broadly defined to include management of human excreta, solid waste, and drainage. The ESI India study focused on the safe management of human excreta and associated hygiene behavior. This is not to discount the importance of the other aspects, but to focus on the key dimensions that cause a substantial health burden on Indians, especially poor people and children. The United Nations-World Health Organization Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation defines ‘improved’3 sanitation as: the means that hygienically separate human excreta from human contact and hence reduces health risks to humans. Inadequate sanitation is thus the lack of improved facilities (toilets, conveyance, and treatment systems), and hygienic practices (for example, hand washing, proper water handling, personal hygiene, and so on) that exposes people to human excreta and thus to disease-causing fecal-oral pathogens through different transmission pathways.

Bibliographic information

Tyagi, A., Hutton, G., Sen, S. (2006). The economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA

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The economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India

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The economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India

Published in: 2006
Pages: 0

World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA

Tyagi, A., Hutton, G., Sen, S.

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