Miscellaneous Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.) (2013)

During the last year we received several papers that have not been in line with the specific issues produced. But still they are worth publishing and therefore we decided to publish 4 of these papers in this issue of SSP: • von Muench et al. describe how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation uses the SuSanA discussion forum for linking their projects, • Chhavi Raj Bhatt et al. present a study from Nepal in which he assessed non-household toilet facilities in the Kathmandu Valley • Arago Jr. and Sarabia describe results from experiments in the Philippines of using human urine for fertilizing okra, and • Abdel-Shafy and Mansour discuss removing pharmaceutical compounds from urine using Fenton Reaction. Articles: 'Sustainable Sanitation Alliance members take a closer look at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s sanitation grants' - Authors: Elisabeth von Muench, Dorothee Spuhler, Trevor Surridge, Nelson Ekane, Kim Andersson, Emine Goekce Fidan, Arno Rosemarin 'Assessment of non-household toilet facilities in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal' - Authors: Chhavi Raj Bhatt , Tanja Pircher Adhikary, Dinesh Adhikary 'Response of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) to different Levels of Human Urine' - Authors: Levy B. Arago Jr., Christian Albert R. Sarabia 'Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals from Urine via Fenton Reaction for Agriculture Reuse' - Authors: Hussein I. Abdel-Shafy, Mona S.M. Mansour

Bibliographic information

Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.) (2013). Miscellaneous Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 17. EcoSan Club, Austria

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Fundamental research and engineeringUrine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) UrineEnglish



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Published in: 2013
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Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 17. EcoSan Club, Austria

Muellegger, E., Langergraber, G., Lechner, M. (eds.)

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