Scoping Exercise to Support Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Tamil Nadu: Primary Study Report TNUSSP (2016)

With a view to scope the tasks under the Tamil Nadu sanitation mission, IIHS carried out a scoping exercise in 2015 to gain an in-depth understanding of the current arrangements and practices in the full cycle of sanitation. The study assessed a range of issues across the sanitation cycle including design and construction practices of on-site sanitation systems, septage collection and waste disposal in Pammal Municipality and two town panchayats of PNP and NNP in Coimbatore. This report presents findings from the study which involved both primary data collection including in-depth interviews with select households, masons and contractors, private business operators, as well as government officials, supplemented by secondary sources like the Census of India. This report also contains the details on the study instruments used such as questionnaires, checklists used to retrieve data from different stakeholders along the sanitation chain, and selection criteria used for the study towns.

Bibliographic information

TNUSSP (2016). Scoping Exercise to Support Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Tamil Nadu: Primary Study Report Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India

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Scoping Exercise to Support Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Tamil Nadu: Primary Study Report

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Scoping Exercise to Support Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Tamil Nadu: Primary Study Report

Published in: 2016
Pages: 166

Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India


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Indian Institute for Human Settlements

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