Berlin, 4 June 2018
60% of the world population lives, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), without secure sanitation, which protects health and the environment. In line with the World Environment Day on 5 June and as a contribution to the European Sustainability Week, over 75 Berlin pupils organised an “Actions-March” in Berlin’s governmental district and demanded a “Toiletised World”.
Together with the German Toilet Organization e.V. (GTO) the teenagers conveyed a clear message: “Sanitation and clean water for all!” A giant toilet paper holder with demands and an oversized toilet model were transported towards the Reichstag accompanied by loud shouting and dance performances.
GTO (2018). Young Pupils Break Toilet-Taboo Together with Parliamentary State Secretary Actions-March in Berlin’s Governmental District (in English and German) German Toilet Organization e.V., Berlin, Germany.