The clean shop We clean school toilets to keep children in school Mulaudzi, T. (2001)

In order to create a healthy environment for students and reduce school absenteeism, Trevor is convincing teachers, administrators and parents to take ownership of the sanitary conditions of community schools. He is tackling the worst, and yet most easily solvable, hygienic problem first – the toilets. Trevor leads initial clean-ups of school toilets to discourage apathy with regards to unsanitary conditions. Because he recognizes the need for ongoing maintenance, Trevor then convinces the school itself to take responsibility for sustaining the high level of cleanliness. This responsibility includes teaching students who come from remote areas without toilets how to properly use the facilities. By encouraging sanitary conditions in the toilets, Trevor’s project helps set a standard for cleanliness that then moves beyond the toilets to all other parts of the schools.

Bibliographic information

Mulaudzi, T. (2001). The clean shop We clean school toilets to keep children in school The Clean Shop, South Africa

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School sanitation project Mothusi Primary School

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The clean shop

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The clean shop

Published in: 2001
Pages: 0

The Clean Shop, South Africa

Mulaudzi, T.

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