SuSanA Library

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture Information about natural compost made from organic matter and products from a UDDT. Includes a list of possible problems and solutions

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 3690
Downloads: 6136

ROSA (2009) Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) (in Acholi) Poster of how to use a UDDT correctly

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4757
Downloads: 93

ROSA (2009) Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) Manual of how to use a UDDT with drawings

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 5310
Downloads: 66

ROSA (2009) Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) Manual for the caretaker and cleaning staff of a UDDT

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 3806
Downloads: 27

ROSA (2009) Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) Drawn manual of DO´s and DON´Ts when using a UDDT for children

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 5980
Downloads: 103

ROSA (2009) Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) Drawn manual of DO´s and DON´Ts when using a UDDT

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 6239
Downloads: 101

Stravato, L., Dagerskog, L., Kvarnström, E. (2010) Increasing food producation for smallholder farmers Testing productive sanitation systems in Aguié, Niger

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 4247
Downloads: 15

Dagerskog, L. (2010) Productive Sanitation Aguié, Niger Completion Report

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 5081
Downloads: 42

Dagerskog, L. (2010) Note de capitalisation 1 : Introduction de l' assainissement productif à Aguié (in French) Capitalisation paper 1: introduction to productive sanitation in Aguié

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 4165
Downloads: 32

Barage, M. (2010) Guide des maires sur l’assainissement productif dans le contexte de la décentralisation au Niger. Rapport définitif (in French) Mayors' guide on productive sanitation in the context of decentralisation in Niger. Final report

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 4215
Downloads: 33

Moussa, B. (2010) Fiche technique d’application des urines hygiénisées (Takin Ruwa) dans les conditions agricoles du Niger (in French) Specification sheet on the use of sanitised urine (Takin Ruwa) within the agricultural context of Niger

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 2726
Downloads: 28

Bouda, K., Kader, A. (2010) Evalution de la prise en compte des aspects genre dans le projet assainissement productif d'aguie (APA) (in French) Evaluation of gender aspects inclusion in Aguie's productive sanitation project

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 4355
Downloads: 23

Dagerskog, L. (2010) Assainissement productif (in French) Productive sanitation

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 3982
Downloads: 42

Massari Leite, H. C. (2010) Banheiro seco: Uma alternativa ao saneamento em comunidades rurais e tradicionais (in Portuguese) Dry toilet: a sanitation alternative in rural and traditional communities

Online since: 30.03.2011
Views: 4794
Downloads: 77

SARAR (2010) Sanitario ecológico seco desviador de orina (in Spanish) Urine diverting dry toilet

Online since: 24.03.2011
Views: 5718
Downloads: 53

SARAR (2010) Manejo y uso de poposta (in Spanish) Handling and use of composted human faeces

Online since: 24.03.2011
Views: 5303
Downloads: 8821

SARAR (2010) Manejo y uso de orina (in Spanish) Handling and use of urine

Online since: 24.03.2011
Views: 4536
Downloads: 7542

SARAR (2010) Filtros de aguas grises (in Spanish) Grey-water filters

Online since: 24.03.2011
Views: 5199
Downloads: 74

Ekane, N. et al. (2010) Ecological alternatives in sanitation from 2005 to 2009 Impact study of the advanced international training programme

Online since: 23.03.2011
Views: 4284
Downloads: 16

Online since: 21.03.2011
Views: 5881
Downloads: 9785



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