Chattogram City Corporation is the Commercial Capital and second largest city in Bangladesh. Chattogram City Corporation is the Commercial Capital and second largest city in Bangladesh. The city corporation is divided into 41 wards. On July 31, 1990, it was named as Chittagong City Corporation. Later, in 2018, Chittagong was renamed as Chattogram. The city corporation has a total population of 2,582,401 and the total number of households in the city is 556,451.
There is no centralised sewer in Chattogram City Corporation: 75% of on-site containment systems in Chattogram are septic tanks. The SFD graphic shows that 100% of the excreta is unsafely managed. All 100% of the excreta not properly managed originates from: supernatant not contained and not delivered to treatment (6%) and FS not contained from tanks and pits located in areas of high risk of groundwater pollution (9i%), out of which 23% consists of FS emptied but not delivered to treatment and 71% of FS not contained and not emptied.
WaterAid (2018). SFD Lite Report - Chattogram, Bangladesh SFD Promotion Initiative WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh
EnglishSFD Report