Leading Practices in Community Engagement and Sanitation Urban Management Centre (2017)

Community engagement and establishing women-led self help groups in cities across India is at the core of the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). All other components of NULM, namely, self employment, skill training and entrepreneurship development have their roots in social mobilization. In contrast to the rural livelihood mission, where there are several successful community engagement platforms, due to the complexity and dynamic nature of slums in cities, such community platforms need long time support for their sustenance. This can help in realising the overall goal of the NULM.
Similarly, there is an urgent need for community engagement in the urban sanitation sector. With launch of the Swachh Bharat Mission, this sector has received due attention however there is a great demand for skilled persons across the value chain of sanitation. This gap can be filled by engaging with communities under both the missions and training individuals to promote businesses in sanitation (plumbers, masons, de-sludge operators, toilet maintenance contractors, etc.). The publication presents successful community engagement platforms in cities across the country that mostly are not under the NULM framework, but have successfully organized the communities around an issue and have helped them in their overall development. The aim of this publication is to identify key learning for improving implementation of NULM and its convergence with the Swachh Bharat Mission.

The document includes leading practices of following organizations namely: 1. Aajeevika Bureau 2. Saath Charitable Trust 3. Shelter Associates 4. Sadhna - A Women's Handicraft Enterprise 5. Sri Padmavathi Mahila Abyudaya Sangam (SPMS) 6. Samagra Empowerment Foundation 7. Solid Waste Collection and Handling (SWaCH) 8. Development of Humane Action (DHAN) Foundation 9. Gramalaya

Bibliographic information

Urban Management Centre (2017). Leading Practices in Community Engagement and Sanitation Urban Management Centre

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Leading Practices in Community Engagement and Sanitation

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Leading Practices in Community Engagement and Sanitation

Published in: 2017
Pages: 36

Urban Management Centre

Urban Management Centre

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Urban Management Centre

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