Low cost handmade sanitary pads! From design to production A step forward in menstrual hygiene promotion in Pakistan Israr, H., Nasir, S. (2012)

“In order to manage the basic phenomena of menstruation, sanitary materials are used by women of all ages, almost from 14 to 45 years of age, though branded material are available in urban areas but difficult in rural, in those areas where such materials are available, they are expensive and difficult to afford and manage as well, so it has been planned by IRSP to introduce MHM specific low cost technologies in Pakistan for not just providing ease in their practices but also for paving way for women empowerment through involving them in large scale sanitary pad production.”

Bibliographic information

Israr, H., Nasir, S. (2012). Low cost handmade sanitary pads! From design to production A step forward in menstrual hygiene promotion in Pakistan Integrated Regional Support Program (IRSP), Pakistan

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PractitionersEnglishMenstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH)


Low cost handmade sanitary pads! From design to production

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Low cost handmade sanitary pads! From design to production

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Integrated Regional Support Program (IRSP), Pakistan

Israr, H., Nasir, S.

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