With Our Own Hands Experiences in Promoting Ecological Sanitation and Food Security in Mindanao Sayre, E. V.; Sayre, J. C. Z. (2010)

This document is a practical guide for those in need of proper sanitation without going far and wide and spending so much to obtain necessary materials to build a clean, safe and decent toilet. Building a proper toilet is now affordable, socially and culturally acceptable and therefore sustainable at the household and community level. This manual is addressed to the needs of the base of the pyramid (BoP), the households who are too poor to afford their own toilets, those in remote areas un-served by government services, those with inadequate or no supply of clean water, and those in conflict and disaster-hit areas. This field guide can now put a stop to the old and, oftentimes, inappropriate practice of doling out pour-flush toilet bowls by government and donor organizations, even though we know they are well meaning.

Bibliographic information

Sayre, E. V.; Sayre, J. C. Z. (2010). With Our Own Hands Experiences in Promoting Ecological Sanitation and Food Security in Mindanao WAND Foundation

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Faeces or faecal sludgeGreywater or wastewaterUrineGuidelines and manualsEnglish


With Our Own Hands

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With Our Own Hands

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

WAND Foundation

Sayre, E. V.; Sayre, J. C. Z.

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