Toilet linked biogas slurry applied to crops Report on physicochemical and microbiological analyses of slurry from toilet linked biogas plants Jha, P. K. (2017)

Toilet linked biogas plants have been implemented at some scale in different villages in some districts of Gujarat by WASTE, Netherlands and FINISH Society, India. In an earlier study, the performance of such toilet linked biogas plants was compared to non- toilet linked biogas plants. The economic benefits of application of toilet linked biogas plant slurry on agricultural lands for different crops and vegetables, however, was not studied ta that time.

The toilet linked biogas slurry has a higher percentage of plant macronutrients like nitrogen, potassium and phosphate than non-toilet linked biogas slurry. Therefore, the basic concept was to test biogas slurry on crops in different plots and compare this with control plots where either chemical fertilisers in recommended doses are applied or where no additional inputs are applied. Effects of the application of the slurry on coriander: Grains of coriander were distinctly larger with yield of 16% higher than the control set with chemical fertilizer (DAP only). The higher rate could be due to presence of several micro-nutrients present in slurry, which may not be available in the soil. Likewise, yields of vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, fenugreek, onion, spinach and carrot were considerably higher in comparison to respective controls. The use of toilet linked biogas slurry on crop yields of crops are encouraging and economically interesting. There is also good quality of wheat yield with economic return applying this slurry as manure in agriculture lands. In addition to higher yields with better quality, there is improvement of soil ecosystem, quality of yields and improvement of environment. A demonstration project like this helps in motivating farmers to apply this type of slurry.

Bibliographic information

Jha, P. K. (2017). Toilet linked biogas slurry applied to crops Report on physicochemical and microbiological analyses of slurry from toilet linked biogas plants WASTE Netherlands, FINISH Society, India

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Biogas systems EnglishEnergy: biogas


Slurry experiment

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Toilet linked biogas slurry applied to crops

Published in: 2017
Pages: 21

WASTE Netherlands, FINISH Society, India

Jha, P. K.

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