Banheiro seco: Uma alternativa ao saneamento em comunidades rurais e tradicionais (in Portuguese) Dry toilet: a sanitation alternative in rural and traditional communities Massari Leite, H. C. (2010)

All around the world approximately 90% of all human dejects are disposed with none or minimal treatment into the waterways. In this context, close to 60% of Brazilian urban population are covered by effective sewage treatment. On the other hand, 90% has access to potable water. If the rural areas are included to these figures, there is a considerable decrease in such numbers (nowadays, only 23% of the Brazilian rural population have access to proper sewage treatment). As implementations of conventional approaches to sanitation are quite expensive, they usually require interests by the politicians, which lead to an accented lack of sanitation. Aiming to promote basic sanitation conditions to the rural area nearby Viçosa city, a self-made approach becomes necessary to make the local communities independent from governmental investments. Aware of that a study was held to reach a proper design for a sustainable facility considering users’ acceptance, maintenance, costs and social aspects. The design of the Urine Diverting Drying Toilet (UDDT) was based on the average daily amount of fecal matter (wet and dry weight) and urine (volume) produced by a five-member family. As the project also considers the house grey water output (kitchen, shower, etc), the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) of grey water and the average daily production per person were important for the design.

Bibliographic information

Massari Leite, H. C. (2010). Banheiro seco: Uma alternativa ao saneamento em comunidades rurais e tradicionais (in Portuguese) Dry toilet: a sanitation alternative in rural and traditional communities

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Faeces or faecal sludgeUrinePortuguese


Banheiro seco: Uma alternativa ao saneamento em comunidades rurais e tradicionais

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Banheiro seco: Uma alternativa ao saneamento em comunidades rurais e tradicionais (in Portuguese)

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0


Massari Leite, H. C.

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