SuSanA Library

Dagerskog, L. (2009) How to use a dry toilet PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French.

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 7553
Downloads: 77

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Dry Toilet Preparation

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 5068
Downloads: 36

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Dry Toilet PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French.

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4638
Downloads: 36

Dagerskog, L. (2009) How to use a compost latrine PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French.

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4673
Downloads: 60

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Composting toilet Preparation

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4974
Downloads: 86

Dagerskog, L. (2009) Composting toilet PS-Aguié has produced a series of factsheets with an overview on the construction and use of low-cost toilets/urinals and reuse urine and faeces. The factsheets are available in English and French

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 4764
Downloads: 101

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 3753
Downloads: 84

ROSA (2006) Resource-oriented sanitation concepts for peri-urban areas in Africa a specific target research project funded within the EU 6th framework programme sub-priority, Annex I - “Description of Work”

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 5239
Downloads: 173

Palada, M., Bhattarai, S., Wu, D., Roberts, M., Bhattarai, M., Kimsan, R., Midmore, D. (2011) More crop per drop Using simple drip irrigation systems for small-scale vegetable production

This manual is intended as a guide for small-scale vegetable producers, and as a reference for extension agents to use in training and demonstrations. Agricultural input suppliers in rural and peri-urban areas may also find it a useful resource to support and promote drip irrigation.

Online since: 07.04.2011
Views: 6685
Downloads: 66

Senzia, M.A., Lechner, M., Müllegger, E., Kimwaga, R. (2009) Local requirements and constraints of O&M of urine diverting dry toilets Final report on O&M research topic

The estimation of transportation costs, which will allow operators to make profit, is affordable to majority of residents in study area and as such there is a high chance for O&M of UDDTs to succeed in Arusha municipality. The important issue here is for the Municipal authority to establish resource-oriented section within the sanitation department to coordinate the process?There has been increase in number of […]

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 5466
Downloads: 52

ROSA (2009) Poster of the ROSA-Project Resources-oriented sanitation concepts for peri-urban areas in Africa

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 3560
Downloads: 26

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 16388
Downloads: 229

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 12306
Downloads: 174

ROSA (2009) Stop environmental abuse! Drawing from Kitgum

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4019
Downloads: 54

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture (in Acholi) Drawing of good versus bad practices at home in terms of hygiene

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4558
Downloads: 41

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilisers in agriculture (in Acholi) Drawing of good practice of greywater disposal

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4090
Downloads: 33

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture (in Swahili) Information about the use of urine from UDDTs as a fertilizer for crops

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4158
Downloads: 37

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture (in Amharic) Information about the use of urine from UDDTs as a fertilizer for crops

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 3911
Downloads: 28

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture Information about the use of urine from UDDTs as a fertilizer for crops

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 4900
Downloads: 33

ROSA (2009) Compost und urine as fertilizers in agriculture (in Amharic) Information about natural compost made from organic matter and products from a UDDT. Includes a list of possible problems and solutions

Online since: 06.04.2011
Views: 3961
Downloads: 36



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