Economical feasibility of using urine versus struvite as fertiliser Using the example of GIZ in Eschborn Braum, C. (2010)

The research’s aim was to identify the most favourable alternative of human urine and struvite usage as innovative fertilisers compared to traditional resources. Therefore, the study has a great focus on introducing and comparing different storage and transportation scenarios. Various combinations of different scenarios and alternatives will be presented and explained with respect to their financial efficiency. In order to compare those scenarios properly, the common comparative cost guidelines for water management infrastructure, Leitlinien zur Durchführung dynamischer Kostenvergleichsrechnung of the Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser, LAWA, was conducted. Finally, all alternatives can be likened based on their total project costs. As a result, one alternative for using urine turned out to be the most favourable option. This alternative based on the idea to transport the urine quarterly from GIZ to the chosen field, near Eschborn, where storage tanks with the overall size of 30 m³ are available. The transport as well as the urine application was conducted with the help of a hired farmer, using tractor and manure barrel.

Bibliographic information

Braum, C. (2010). Economical feasibility of using urine versus struvite as fertiliser Using the example of GIZ in Eschborn Bachelor Thesis, Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

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Economical feasibility of using urine versus struvite as fertiliser

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Economical feasibility of using urine versus struvite as fertiliser

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

Bachelor Thesis, Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Braum, C.

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