The main objective of the research study is to analyze the extraction and transportation operation of fecal sludge in the country and identify business opportunities in this sector. Accordingly, the following tasks are accomplished by the consultant:-
i) Lead the in-country research in 3 cities i.e. Addis Ababa with a population of 2,738,248, Dire Dawa with a population of 341,834 and Hosaena with a population of 69,995 based on the census of 2007 of the country,
ii) Conducted desk reviews and house hold surveys,
iii) Developed an analytical research framework,
iv) Developed case studies for the country including comparative analysis of emptying/transportation in the three cities, with identification of opportunities for product and business model innovation and
v) Collected data and key outputs through direct field surveys and interviews with relevant stakeholders in the cities,
The consultant team developed a comprehensive approach to capture all relevant information and data related to FSM available in the three cities. This involved literature review, household sample surveys of each of the three cities, and interviews and discussions with service providers, government regulators, beneficiaries and all other relevant stakeholders in the management of fecal sludge extraction, transportation and disposal services. The actors in this field included government authorities and institutions, private operators and non-government organizations (NGO).
The result of the study indicated that the policy and regulatory framework of the country is conducive to the proper disposal of sludge. However, few gaps and overlaps are observed here and there in the different cities in the implementation of the regulations.
Corresponding author:
Hailu Yemane
Bibliographic information
Defere, E., Yemane, H. (2011).
Landscape Analysis and Business Model Assessment in Fecal Sludge Management, Extraction and Transportation in three Cities of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Hosaena) Final report Consultancy report by Hywas Engineering Consultants & Partners (Ethiopian Team), commissioned by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
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Faecal sludge treatment processesFundamental research and engineeringPeri-urbanEnglish
Landscape Analysis and Business Model Assessment in Fecal Sludge Management, Extraction and Transportation in three Cities of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Hosaena)
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Size: 3.03 MB
Published in: 2011
Pages: 0
Consultancy report by Hywas Engineering Consultants & Partners (Ethiopian Team), commissioned by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
Defere, E., Yemane, H.
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