School toilet at Thi Cau Secondary School Thi Cau Ward - Bac Ninh City, Vietnam Krause, G. (2009)

Bac Ninh city lies at a favourable location in the northern economic development triangle of Hanoi, Hai Phong and Quang Ninh Cities. The GIZ implemented WWM Project, partially subcontracted to GFA consulting group, is providing, for the purpose of the community stimulation and incentive, small-scale grant funds for the implementation of “community pilot” measures. These measures shall be planned and implemented in an open, transparent and participative way. The following is a set of principles for the identification and selection of “community pilot” measures: a) Community pilot measures must benefit community members who are not directly beneficiaries from the kfw project b) Community pilot measures must be replicable with community fund mobilization and the support of local government funding c) Community pilot measures must be identified, planned and implemented in a participatory fashion d) Community pilot measures must relate to the improvement of sanitary conditions of individual households and/or the immediate environment of human settlements e) Community pilot measures must be easily applied at any other areas. f) Community pilot measures result in at least one of the following: · community capacity building, · improvement of community sanitation infrastructure and/or services, · establishment of revolving funds for community works and/or services Based on the given selecting criteria, the pilot measure in Bac Ninh focuses on the improvement of the environment and sanitation conditions for pupils and teachers in Thi Cau secondary school. This pilot measure includes 2 main components: i) financial support for the construction of “child-friendly toilet”; ii) education program which will be carried out by WWM Consultants and Thi Cau secondary school’s teachers in order to increase the awareness and change the behavior of the pupils in Thi Cau secondary school toward the environment and sanitation. This libary entry contains the technical drawings of the toilets with a few selected pictures (as pdf and AutoCad dwg) and the report on pilot measure implementing to improve sanitary, environmental conditions for pupils and teachers in Thi Cau secondary school.

Bibliographic information

Krause, G. (2009). School toilet at Thi Cau Secondary School Thi Cau Ward - Bac Ninh City, Vietnam GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

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SchoolsTechnical drawingsEnglish


AutoCad drawing of Thi Cau Secondary School toilets

Type: image/vnd.dwg
Size: 0.4 MB


Report on pilot measure implementing to improve sanitary, environmental conditions for pupils and teachers in Thi Cau secondary school

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.47 MB


Technical drawings and pictures of school toilet

Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.24 MB


School toilet at Thi Cau Secondary School

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

Krause, G.

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