The WASHCost Project aims at improving sustainability, cost efficiency and equity of WASH service delivery in rural and peri-urban areas by identifying the factors influencing costs at each stage of WASH service delivery life cycle. In order to achieve the overall aim of WASHCost project, the methodologies designed for tracking inputs on WASH service delivery system are largely tested in test bed sites. Hence, the […]
This facilitator's guide is one of the three components of the WASH Governance Training Programme, which aims to help capacity builders, facilitators and trainers to support the WASH sector in African countries. The other components are a set of training modules and a WASH Wall Chart package with a set of interactive labels. The facilitator's guide provides an overview of the entire programme; information on the […]
The Handbook on CLTS describes the basics of CLTS facilitation and is essential and useful material for the field facilitators. This guideline, on the other hand, is written with a focus to meet the requirements of the trainers of CLTS facilitators, and of future CLTS trainers who are not yet experienced CLTS facilitators. The guide can also be used by trainers who wish to train […]
The Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Health, launched the Community-Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme (CBEHPP) on 17th December 2009. The purpose of this programme is to significantly reduce, by 2012, the debilitating national disease burden that currently exists and, in so doing, will contribute significantly to poverty reduction outcomes. CBEHPP will strengthen the capacity of all 45,000 Community Health Workers (CHWs) who are located […]
This manual is meant to act as a guide for facilitators during the implementation of Community Follow-up Workshops as part of a Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) program. Information provided is based on workshops piloted in Phalombe District during the GSF Program from 2011- 2012 by Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB) and InterAide. The pilot was a village-level monitoring strategy that included a workshop for community leaders […]
Since Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is our key intervention for sanitation and hygiene promotion in Malawi, it provides an excellent opportunity to facilitate hand washing behavior change. However, up till now, the “triggering tools” for achieving HWWS behavior change from CLTS have not been well known by implementers in Malawi. The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be […]
Despite massive efforts by governmental and NGO partners and other development agencies toward ODF Malawi by 2015, there are still a lot of works to be done. The ODF Malawi National Strategy addresses School-Led Total Sanitation (SLTS) as an effective approach to create ODF communities. It takes the dynamics of children into consideration as Agents of Change in triggering and monitoring good sanitation and hygiene […]
This manual was developed to sensitise WASH and health practitioners to the various issues associated with menstrual hygiene management. It equips professionals with important information, skills and tools for communicating with a variety of stakeholders, which can help them to promote menstrual management practices in their communities. By guiding participants through the step-by-step learning process in this manual, they will develop a thorough understanding of: […]
The Solomon Islands Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Toolkit is one of the manuals developed for the Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Program in the Solomon Islands. It will be used to guide CLTS Facilitators, and others working with villages, to trigger village action on taking control of sanitation and hygiene within their villages. Any organisations that are doing CLTS in Solomon Island villages are […]
This training manual is meant to provide a guide for Master Trainers/Trainers of CLTS trainers and facilitators at national and sub-national levels. The manual provides step by step approach of conducting CLTS training workshops and can be adapted to suit specific situations based on target audience and their level of involvement in CLTS implementation. The manual was reviewed and finalized at a stakeholders' meeting involving the […]
This handbook has been developed from experiences with Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) since December 1999. These have been in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, China and Pakistan in Asia; in Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya and Sierra Leone in Africa; in Bolivia in South America; in Yemen in the Middle East; and in other countries. Users of this handbook must feel free to use its guidelines the […]
The heart of the program is about “triggering” or “igniting” communities to change their hygiene and sanitation habits, namely by constructing and using latrines instead of defecating in the open. In Ethiopia, CLTS was the precursor to CLTSH, a modified version that has an added hygiene component. As with its predecessor, CLTSH functions without subsidies and has as its primary goal the achievement of open […]
CLTS is a new approach in Afghanistan; and all stakeholders should become familiar with how it is implemented. CLTS component has been successfully implemented in various developing nations throughout the world; however, there was an urgent need how to adapt this approach to fit the societal and cultural aspects of in Afghanistan. MRRD is pleased to have this opportunity to develop this manual for CLTS […]
Wastewater characteristics for developing countries are usually either very generalising, outdated or only applicable in a limited context under specific circumstances. The goal of this assignment is to review and collate accessible data on DEWATS design parameters in developing countries and where possible to classify it depending on country and income group in order to • identify knowledge gaps which will guide future BORDA R&D efforts • form […]
This issue of Outlook establishes menstrual health as a sexual and reproductive health and rights issue; presents the obstacles to and the consequences of not promoting and protecting menstrual health; and highlights opportunities to improve menstrual health in low-resource settings.
Key Messages: • Inadequate sanitation and hygiene adversely impacts human well-being. • In Tanzania basic latrine coverage is high but this still constitutes inadequate sanitation • Some families continue to defecate in the open • Handwashing with soap is not practiced consistently or at the key junctures. • WSP is implementing a project to scale up access to improved sanitation and hygiene in Tanzania
The Facilitator’s Manual for Small Towns CLTS Field Work is a guide for field workers who are promoting sanitation improvements at community and household levels, using the CLTS approach applied to the small towns context.
Who is this Manual for? Resource agencies engaged in training potential master trainers to facilitate and scale up community-driven total sanitation. AusAID provides WSP-SA programmatic support.
This manual has been designed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), UNICEF and GOAL to help support Natural Leaders during the pre-triggering, triggering and follow-up of CLTS communities. The following pages will give simple examples of how to carry out each stage of CLTS. The booklet is not meant to be a script to read out whilst triggering however. A good natural leader […]
1. Background of Kushtia Municipality 2. Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh 3. Sanitation Situation in Bangladesh 4. Faecal Sludge Management Situation in Bangladesh 5. Problem of Solid and Faecal Sludge Waste Management 6. Pilot Intervention on Faecal Sludge Management in Kushtia 7. Key Findings