In developing the framework for provision and regulation of urban onsite sanitation services, the National Water and Sanitation Council of Zambia (NWASCO) was mandated to facilitate and coordinate the consultative process under the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection (MWDSEP). The objective of this publication is to assist in the creation of a regulatory framework for onsite sanitation and faecal sludge management that supports […]
FLUSH is a documentary film raising awareness of what happens to bodily waste in America, and a growing movement to change the way we think about “waste,” premiering in honor of World Toilet Day. Raise awareness of World Toilet Day and theme “wastewater,” engage “developed” countries in a conversation about broader sanitation themes and question the wisdom of water-based toilets, create an advocacy tool for stakeholder […]
The 21st meeting of the UK’s Sanitation Community of Practice was held on the 19th of April at the University of Leeds. The aim for the day was to engage participants in considering the links between human excreta management, solid waste management, and surface water drainage, as critical aspects of citywide environmental sanitation. As well as the traditional SanCoP focus, contributions were invited from professionals experienced […]
The Event Report of 2018’s Emergency Environmental Health Forum, which took place in Berlin, summarises all the presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions and recent key findings from practice and academia. New research and innovations in the sanitation sector were presented and approaches elaborated that aim at bridging knowledge silos between WASH and other humanitarian sectors. The report features Parliamentary State Secretary Norbert Barthle’s welcome speech […]
Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2017 is an assessment of the progress towards the SDG targets in Asia and the Pacific and its subregions. Drawing on the analysis of 66 indicators (60 global SDG indicators and 6 proxy indicators) the report forecasts likely progress by 2030 and identifies areas where greater effort is needed. The assessment of progress contained in this report is limited […]
Berlin, 4 June 2018 60% of the world population lives, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), without secure sanitation, which protects health and the environment. In line with the World Environment Day on 5 June and as a contribution to the European Sustainability Week, over 75 Berlin pupils organised an “Actions-March” in Berlin’s governmental district and demanded a “Toiletised World”. Together with the German Toilet Organization […]
The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) for Health (W4H) Program has put together a comprehensive package of materials for you to use in your communication sessions. These materials have been developed to help you change WASH behaviours in your communities. The following is a list of the types of materials contained in the WASH for Health Communication Package. Materials have been developed for the following […]
Illustrated guidelines for usage and maintenance of KVIP latrine
Matrix of household latrine types/technology options
The handbook will serve as a guide for engineers, planners, masons, carpenters, etc. e handbook will enable people to make informed choices and facilitate carpenters and masons during construction. It will also serve as a reference document for officials at the national and local government levels. Given the technical level of this resource, readers need to have a basic skill set and previous construction […]
Various latrine options, including a Ventilated Improved Pit, Simple Pit Latrine, Kumasi Ventilated Improved Pit, Enviro Loo waterless Toilet, Composting latrine, Urine Diverting Dry Toilet, Pour-Flush Toilet without Water-Seal, Installed On Direct Pit (Ventilated Pit), Pour-flushed toilets, Pour-Flush Toilet with Water-Seal, Installed On Ventilated Pit, and Biofil Toilet.
The function of the department is mainly to carry surveillance on sector dynamics, conduct training needs, develop and implement short tailor made courses for skills upgrading, problem solving, and refresher in the water and related sectors. The tailor made courses are to suit the training needs and interventions desired for organizational growth in accordance with strategic plans and business environment. The courses offered are interventional […]
The function of the department is mainly to carry surveillance on sector dynamics, conduct training needs, develop and implement short tailor made courses for skills upgrading, problem solving, and refresher in the water and related sectors. The tailor made courses are to suit the training needs and interventions desired for organizational growth in accordance with strategic plans and business environment. The courses offered are interventional […]
The function of the department is mainly to carry surveillance on sector dynamics, conduct training needs, develop and implement short tailor made courses for skills upgrading, problem solving, and refresher in the water and related sectors. The tailor made courses are to suit the training needs and interventions desired for organizational growth in accordance with strategic plans and business environment. The courses offered are interventional […]
The function of the department is mainly to carry surveillance on sector dynamics, conduct training needs, develop and implement short tailor made courses for skills upgrading, problem solving, and refresher in the water and related sectors. The tailor made courses are to suit the training needs and interventions desired for organizational growth in accordance with strategic plans and business environment. The courses offered are interventional […]
UNIQUE VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER LTD. Unique Vocational Training Center Ltd. (UVTCL) started its operation at the end of 1999 under the title of “Guan Choun Unique Vocational Training Center” with active support of Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore. Registered with the Board of Investment (BOI), this Overseas Training Center (OTC) was established to match the quality of Bangladeshi skilled workers with the international standards. […]
Mirpur Agricultural Workshop and Training School (MAWTS) is a Trust of Caritas Bangladesh. Legislation of MAWTS is under the Trust Act 1882 No. 8655 dated 12-08-2012. After the Liberation War in 1971, The Christian Organization for Relief and Rehabilitation (CORR) took up massive relief and reconstruction work. The CORR (In 1976 renamed as Caritas Bangladesh) brought fleet of trucks, power tillers and irrigation equipments to […]
Objectives SDI aims at developing the skills of people living and working in the informal sector for the improvement of technical and entrepreneurial skills in order to increase chances of getting employed or being self-employed and/or expanding their own businesses. Target Group Traditional apprentices i.e. young people attached to master craftsperson, Unskilled employees, Micro-entrepreneurs and unemployed youths Description This is a short term upgrading informal training programme that runs within […]
Through Nkangala FET College's Extended Learning Unit Corporate Companies and Government Departments can register the following exciting programmes: - Basic Dressmaking Skills - Basic Literacy and Numeracy Skills - Basic End-User Computer Skills - Project Management (NQF) level 2)
Gert Sibande College is a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institution, situated in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The college offers nationally certified training programs that are unit standard based and SAQA approved. Qualified and competent staff is available to give relevant education and training in Educational Programs which aim to enable learners to lead productive lives and make meaningful contributions to their community and […]