SuSanA Library

League of Arab States, UN ESCWA, ACWUA (2016) Water Supply and Sanitation Services in the Arab Region The Regional Initiative for Establishing A Regional Mechanism for Improved Monitoring and Reporting on Access to Water supply and sanitation in the Arab Region

The establishment of the regional mechanism for monitoring and reporting on access to water supply and sanitation services in the Arab Region (MDG+ Initiative) was launched by the Arab Ministerial Water Council in 2010. The initiative provides reliable information on access to water supply services in Arab States based on a set of regionally approved indicators, a harmonized methodology and data collected and vetted by […]

Online since: 26.07.2018
Views: 2748
Downloads: 114

Olschewski, A. (2016) A business case for supported Self-supply as service delivery approach to achieve SDGs

Supported Self-supply is highly relevant as a complementary service delivery model for rural water supply since conventional water delivery services would simply be too expensive to ensure universal access to safe water, which is defined as SDG target 6.1. Many rural households invest in improving water supplies of their own as they highly appreciate the convenience of supplies close by their homes, having access to […]

Online since: 26.07.2018
Views: 2519
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BMGF (2018) MEDS Convening 2018 Conversations about Sanitation, SDGs and Research

The Measurement, Evidence, and Dissemination, for Scale (MEDS) initiative was created by merging the Measurement, Learning and Evaluation (MLE) initiative with the Building Demand for Sanitation (BDS) initiative at the end of 2015. The 2017 MEDS Convening was the 2nd convening under MEDS but the 6th annual meeting for many of the participants, formally convening under the BDS portfolio. In 2017, the MEDS grantees convened in […]

Online since: 24.07.2018
Views: 5023
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Spuhler, D., Adams, M., Ddiba, D. and Tempel, A. (2016) SuSanA’s Contribution to the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development Position paper of Working Group 1 – Capacity development (DRAFT)

This paper aims at providing an overview of the importance of capacity building within the sustainable sanitation sector, highlighting the existing gaps regarding capacity development and continuing an agenda on how one can contribute towards effective capacity building to achieve the sustainable development goals in relation to sustainable sanitation. Based on a workshop at SuSanAs Working Group 1 meeting during the Stockholm Water Week 2016, […]

Online since: 23.07.2018
Views: 4501
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Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Lafortune, G. and Fuller, G. (2018) Global Responsibilities: Implementing the Goals SDG Index and Dashboard Report 2018

The 2018 SDG Index and Dashboards report presents a revised and updated assessment of countries’ distance to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It includes detailed SDG Dashboards to help identify implementation priorities for the SDGs. The report also provides a ranking of countries by the aggregate SDG Index of overall performance.

Online since: 22.07.2018
Views: 3298
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Gabert, J., et al. (2018) Mettre en oeuvre un service d’assainissement complet, durable et adapté (in French) Implement a complete, sustainable and adapted sanitation service

The Remediation Handbook is a methodological and practical guide for the operational implementation of liquid sanitation services in developing countries. It covers the entire sector, from the collection of wastewater and sludge to treatment, in rural, urban and semi-urban areas.

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 1704
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Sharman, B. (2018) دليل اعمال السباكة في المساجد Directory of plumbing works in mosques (in Arabic)

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 1325
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Nassar, L. (2017) مذكرة توجيهية لتطبيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة في الأردن في المياه والطاقة والتغير المناخي A Guidance Note for SDG Implementation in Jordan: Water, Energy, and Climate Change (in Arabic)

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 2930
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Nassar, L. (2017) A Guidance Note for SDG Implementation in Jordan: Water, Energy, and Climate Change

Jordan faces dire environmental challenges. The country is ranked as having one of the lowest levels of water resource availability in the world. An already difficult situation is being exacerbated by a high influx of refugees and the impacts of climate change. In addition, Jordan is one of the few energy resource poor countries in the Middle East, with government debt levels having increased by […]

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 1778
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ICRC (2018) الخدمات الحضرية أثناء النزاعات المسلحة الممتدة - Urban services during protracted armed conflict (in Arabic) دعوة لتبني نهج أفضل لمساعدة المتضررين

يسعى هذا التقرير لمحاكاة المناقشة الاكثر إلحاحا حول تطوير منهج أفضل لمساعدة الاشخاص في المناطق الحضرية الذين تأثروا بالنزاع المسلح الممتد. ويضم البحث ً الحالي مع تجربة اللجنة الدولية التي تزيد عن ثالثة عقود في المناطق الحضرية، مستمدا المعلومات من خلال مجموعات التركيز والمقابلات الفردية بالاضافة إلى الدراسات المعمقة في العراق وغزة

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 1357
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ICRC (2018) Urban Services during Protracted Armed Conflict a call for a better approach to assisting affected people

Urbanization is constantly on the rise, with cities already absorbing more than half of the world’s population and armed conflicts increasingly being fought in urban settings. Regions facing protracted armed conflict see a steady decline in essential public services, while the relief-rehabilitation-development paradigm and funding mechanisms fail to provide a satisfactory response in these settings. Based on more than 30 years of ICRC experience in protracted […]

Online since: 19.07.2018
Views: 1709
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Haider, Z. A. (2014) Comparative Expenses of Sanitation Options in Rapid onset Emergencies

Several major donors are now looking for “value for money” in all WaSH emergency programmes. Therefore in order to justify the cost of Oxfam’s selected latrine design not only should initial construction cost be considered but also the on- going operation & maintenance costs to ensure that we are providing “value for money” in phase of emergency and the long run. In saying this, value for […]

Online since: 18.07.2018
Views: 1777
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ACF and WaterAid (2018) Towards effective integration of nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene - the Madagascar experience Case study (in English and French)

The case study, ‘Towards effective integration of nutrition and WASH - the Madagascar experience’, is a collaboration between ACF and WaterAid teams in Madagascar and HQs aimed at documenting and sharing the progress and challenges Madagascar has experienced in improving coordination and integration of nutrition and WASH. It is based on in-country interviews with stakeholders involved from central and local government, NGOs and donors. It […]

Online since: 12.07.2018
Views: 1765
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USAID (2018) Scaling Market-Based Sanitation: Desk Review on Market-Based Rural Sanitation Development Programs

Inadequate access to sanitation remains a significant problem globally and is linked to the transmission of numerous communicable diseases with a disproportionately large effect on children. The scale of investment required to deliver sanitation goods and services to those who lack access is beyond the capacity of public finance alone. The private sector has already proven itself a key player in the financing, construction, and […]

Online since: 11.07.2018
Views: 4443
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الامم المتحدة ، إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية (2018) 2018 تقريــر أهـداف التنميــة المستدامة Sustainable Development Goals Report (in Arabic)

2030 اطلقت الامم المتحدة تقرير جديد حول اهداف التنمية المستدامة باللغة العربية الذي يستعرض التقدم المحرز في السنة الثالثة من تنفيذ خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام

Online since: 10.07.2018
Views: 3057
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WHO & UNICEF (2016) Core Questions and Indicators for Monitoring WASH in Schools in the SDGs

Through expert consultations, the JMP has developed core questions for monitoring water, sanitation and hygiene at home, schools and health centres. The document contains core and expanded indicators related and specific to MHM and infrastructure in schools.

Online since: 05.07.2018
Views: 3752
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Beard, V. A., Mahendra, A. and Westphal, M. I. (2016) Towards a More Equal City: Framing the Challenges and Opportunities Working Paper

This Working Papers contain preliminary research, analysis, findings, and recommendations. They are circulated to stimulate timely discussion and critical feedback and to influence ongoing debate on emerging issues. Most working papers are eventually published in another form and their content may be revised.

Online since: 03.07.2018
Views: 1869
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Abraham, B., Monse, B., Schlenk, J. & Wendland, C. (2018) Sustainable WASH in Institutions and Gender Equality Scope and Focus of Working Group 7

The scope and focus document of SuSanA Working Group (WG) 7 Sustainable WASH in Institutions and Gender Equality (Leave No One Behind – in communities, schools and other institutions) WG 7 has two goals: a. To strengthen water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools and other institutions within community structures. To learn more about the work of WG 7 in the field of WASH in schools, see Factsheet […]

Online since: 02.07.2018
Views: 5404
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PRIA (2018) Partnership to Scale Up Innovative Solutions for Urban Sanitation Conference report

A state level Conference on Partnership to Scale Up Innovative Solutions for Urban Sanitation was organised on 30 May 2018 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It was organised by Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) in collaboration with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), Centre for Development Communication Jaipur, Manipal University Jaipur, and the Institute for Development Studies, Jaipur. The objectives of the conference were: • To showcase scalable innovative […]

Online since: 29.06.2018
Views: 2375
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NWASCO (2018) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: Framework for Provision and Regulation in Zambia

In developing the framework for provision and regulation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services (RWSS), the National Water and Sanitation Council of Zambia (NWASCO) was mandated to facilitate and coordinate the consultative process under the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection (MWDSEP). The objective of this publication is to assist in the creation of a regulatory framework for rural water supply and sanitation […]

Online since: 28.06.2018
Views: 4806
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