SuSanA Library

SEI (2015) 9th SEI Webinar: CLTS monitoring success

This webinar was conducted on 22 June 2015 and has been recorded in 4 parts. This video clip contains Part 1 which is introduction by Pippa Scott (Euforic Services) during the webinar 'What constitutes success for CLTS? Measuring community outcomes and behavior changes'. To watch part 2-4 please go to links below. Speakers: 1) Ada Oko Williams, Technical Support Manager, Sanitation and Hygiene, WaterAid UK; 2) Darren […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
Views: 1959
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SEI (2015) 8th SEI Webinar: Results based financing (RBF) for sanitation

This webinar was organised under the Knowledge Management initiative ( of the Building Demand for Sanitation (BDS) program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The webinar was moderated by Peter Feldman, and supported by Pippa Scott and Pete Cranston of Euforic Services. It was hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute and the SuSanA secretariat on 29 April 2015. To watch Part 2-7 of this webinar, […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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de los Reyes, F. (2014) 7th SEI Webinar: Adding missing links in sanitation value chains

"Adding missing links in sanitation value chains" - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 29 April 2018. This webinar has been recorded in 5 parts. This video clip contains Part 1, which is an introduction by Arno Rosemarin. To watch part 2-5 please go to links below. Moderator: Nelson Ekane (SEI) Sub-topic […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2014) 6th SEI Webinar: Productive sanitation

"Productive sanitation" - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 25 February 2014. This webinar has been recorded in 5 parts. This video clip contains Part 1, with an introduction by Arno Rosemarin. Moderator: Nelson Ekane (SEI) Sub-topics within the webinar: 1) Large scale production and commercialization of "Fortifer" - a fertilizer manufactured […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2014) 5th SEI Webinar: Resource recovery and reuse - Introduction

"Resource recovery and reuse" - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 21 January 2014. This webinar has been recorded in 4 parts. See links below for Part 2-4. The three papers given were as follows (see separate video clips): 1) VUNA - Valorisation of Urine Nutrients in Africa 2) Modeling the next […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2013) 4th SEI Webinar: Innovation in Toilet Designs and Waste Treatment Technologies

"Innovation in Toilet Designs and Waste Treatment Technologies (Part 2)" - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 26 November 2013. Moderators: Arno Rosemarin and Nelson Ekane (SEI) The three papers given were as follows: 1) Nano Membrane Toilet 2) New concepts for on-site sanitation based on bio-additives and pit design 3) Sol-Char Toilet: Using […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2013) 3rd SEI Webinar: Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas

Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas - a discussion with three Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grantees. Hosted by: Stockholm Environment Institute and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 07 November 2013. The topic of this expert chat was "Innovative Sanitation Solutions for Urban Areas", and it was the third webinar in a series this year with the aim to give increased exposure to the […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2013) 2nd SEI Webinar: Innovation in Toilet Designs and Treatment Technologies

Sanitation Experts Discuss their Projects with Stockholm Environment Institute Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grantees Title: "Innovation in Toilet Designs and Treatment Technologies" This is the recording of an online expert chat using Adobe Connect hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute (Arno Rosemarin) on 12 September 2013. It is part of a larger grant that SEI received in November 2012 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SEI (2013) 1st SEI Webinar: Biogas sanitation

This is the recording of an online expert chat using Adobe Connect hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute (Arno Rosemarin) on 1 July 2013. It is part of a larger grant that SEI received in November 2012 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The topic of this expert chat was "Research projects involving anaerobic processes with biogas generation", and it was the first expert chat […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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SuSanA (2015) The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Discussion Follow up webinar

Video of the webinar in follow-up to the Thematic Discussion Series discussion on “The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps” on March 26th 2015.

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SuSanA (2015) The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps Introduction webinar

Introduction to the "The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps" from thematic leader Patrick Bracken, the first in the SuSanA Thematic Discussion Series.

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ZanaAfrica (2015) ZanaAfrica Presentation Sarphati Awards 2015

A video from ZanaAfrica for Sarphati Awards 2015 featuring Gitau Caroline as Chief Operating Officer of ZanaAfrica.

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GIZ (2017) GIZ Position Scaling up Access to Water and Sanitation Webinar

This 20 minute webinar provides an overview of the GIZ Position on Scaling up Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. It highlights global and regional challenges and barriers for the expansion of access, and outlines recommendations for GIZ programmes and their partners.

Online since: 24.04.2018
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UNICEF Philippines (2015) PhATS Technical Note Septage Management

In November of 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck the Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines devastating homes and families in its path. The response by the government and international community was swift as shelter kits were distributed and “bunkhouse-style” temporary housing built for displaced persons. As these needs were met, new problems emerged, among them was how to properly manage the large quantities of localized human […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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USAID (2018) Toward a Hygienic Environment for Infants and Young Children: A Review of the Literature

This review synthesizes the latest understanding of key pathways of fecal microbes, in particular, enteric pathogens and soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), ingestion by Infants and young children (IYC), and the link to diarrhea, environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), and poor nutrition and development outcomes. The review is based on a thorough search of the scientific and gray literature on WASH, child undernutrition, and health, including snowball sampling […]

Online since: 23.04.2018
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House, S., Cavill, S. and Ferron, S. (2017) Equality and non-discrimination (EQND) in sanitation programmes at scale, Part 1 of 2 Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 10

This issue of Frontiers of CLTS shares and builds on the learning from the GSF EQND study, which examined EQND in relation to sanitation programmes being implemented at scale. It draws on existing global experience and looks at who should be considered potentially disadvantaged and how they can participate. It explores what the challenges may be if CLTS does not actively ensure that the potentially […]

Online since: 20.04.2018
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Greaves, F. (2016) CLTS in Post-Emergency and Fragile States Settings Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 9

This issue of Frontiers of CLTS draws on the experiences of relief and development agencies which have facilitated CLTS in post-emergency and FCAS contexts. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding, and distil learning and guidance around the application of CLTS in these situations. It explores the question: How, when, and in what circumstances can a CLTSstyle process of analysis, action, and collective behaviour change […]

Online since: 20.04.2018
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Huber, M. S. & Jennings, A. (2018) Preparing to be Unprepared Decision Making and the Use of Guidance on Sanitation Systems and Faecal Sludge Management in the First Phase of Rapid-Onset Emergencies

This research aims to contribute a small part towards larger efforts building credible evidence and increasing understanding of the current proven solutions in the emergency context through two components. The first component aims to investigate and compile what options have been proven for applications in the emergency context. The second component aims to understand what are the driving forces behind the decisions made on faecal […]

Online since: 18.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater in Hannover, Germany Conference materials: Posters

From 14-17 October 2008, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) convened the international symposium on “Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection” in Hannover, Germany, in order to highlight the immense problems of groundwater pollution due to absent or inadequate sanitation facilities in developing countries. Together with international co-convenors (BMZ, UNEP and WHO) and supporting organizations (BORDA, DED, DWA, GTZ, IAH, KfW and […]

Online since: 17.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater in Hannover, Germany Conference materials: Presentations and Outcomes

From 14-17 October 2008, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) convened the international symposium on “Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection” in Hannover, Germany, in order to highlight the immense problems of groundwater pollution due to absent or inadequate sanitation facilities in developing countries. Together with international co-convenors (BMZ, UNEP and WHO) and supporting organizations (BORDA, DED, DWA, GTZ, IAH, KfW and […]

Online since: 17.04.2018
Views: 1170
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