SuSanA Library

Oxfam (2018) Market Based Flood Preparedness in Jakarta

There were many issues emerged when the flood happened, such as the needs of water, sanitation, latrine and other water and sanitation related needs. To mitigate these problems, Oxfam in partnership with LDMA (Local Disaster Management Agency) DKI Jakarta, are collaborating to find the options for the flood preparedness in WASH sector as well as WASH response options that are giving more role to the […]

Online since: 30.04.2018
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German WASH Network (2018) Cash & Markets Learning Event Event Report

The use of cash has undergone significant changes at the field level with the uptake of mulit‐purpose‐cash grants (MPGs). In particular the formation of diverse technical cash working groups (CWGs) raises questions around how the clusters and its partners can provide technical and strategic support to the use of cash modalities in humanitarian response and what structures are needed to facilitate these outcomes. In early […]

Online since: 30.04.2018
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Patimo, F., Jones, C. (2016) 'Get a Toilet' Building Demand for Toilets

Unilever convened a group of like-minded companies, NGO’s and research professionals, with expertise in sanitation and marketing and a desire to take immediate action to address this issue. The focus has been on households having access to their own toilet, either inside or outside the home. In particular the low LSM consumer, whose basic needs for food & shelter are met and who have some disposable […]

Online since: 30.04.2018
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Mariana Matoso (2018) Lessons Learned from Oxfam’s Market Based Approach to water supply in Juba

This presentation summarises the lessons learnt by Oxfam's team working in Juba to support and develop the local market place to provide drinking water. The programme developed a voucher system that enabled households to access quality drinking water though supporting a community run, solar powered water treatment plant.

Online since: 27.04.2018
Views: 2375
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Various Authors (2018) 8th Emergency Environmental Health Forum in Berlin, Germany Conference materials

The 8th Emergency Environmental Health Forum (EEHF) event was hosted by the German WASH Network in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) at GIZ. The aim of the 2018 EEHF is: - To share new research and learning - To discuss new approaches and innovation in the sector - To bridge silos between WASH and other humanitarian sectors - To identify research gaps in […]

Online since: 27.04.2018
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WSP EAP - Indonesia (2010) Training Modules Sanitation Entrepreneur Training

This manual for using and developing modules is intended as a reference for facilitators of sanitation entrepreneur training courses. This manual contains the curriculums for the modules that form the basis for design of the training modules. It also contains technical details for delivering the topics for each phase. Using this manual, the facilitator should have a firm understanding of what is contained in each […]

Online since: 27.04.2018
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USAID HIP (2009) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Training Package for the Prevention of Diarrheal Disease Guide for Training Outreach Workers

The USAID- funded Hygiene Improvement Project has compiled a training package to facilitate work in WASH around the world. This training guide is intended for use by any organization the works with outreach workers at the community level.

Online since: 27.04.2018
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Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau (2013) Training Manual on Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion and Community Mobilization for Volunteer Community Health Promoters (VCHP) Draft

This session will help participants visualize the role of the Volunteer Community Health Promoters and the link between WASH and healthy living in their communities. Participants will observe, discuss and analyze the roots of fecal contamination and its effect on the health and identify barriers that can improve the well being of all community members. Sponsored by WSP and USAID.

Online since: 27.04.2018
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Shafeeqa, F., Shazna, M., Glen, E., Henderson, R. (2008) Training Manual Good water, sanitation and environmental hygiene practices for primary schools

This training manual is a practical guide to be used by teachers and school health assistants who are involved in the promotion of water, sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH). School WASH education is a specific part of the wider school health education program that deals only with water and sanitation-related health problems in and around the school. The manual has been designed to provide the necessary […]

Online since: 27.04.2018
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CAWST (2015) Environmental Sanitation Workshop (in English, French and Spanish)

This collection contains the resources for both trainers and participants for the Environmental Sanitation workshop. This two-three day workshop is designed for WASH, community development and health organizations. The workshop explores the relationship between environmental sanitation, disease transmission and health. It addresses technical topics such as human excreta management including different latrine designs; animal excreta management; solid waste management; vector control for mosquitos and rodents; […]

Online since: 27.04.2018
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SuSanA (2014) Reinvent the Toilet Fair in India Exhibition tour videos

This library entry consists of a video interview / tour during the Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Delhi, India (21 to 22 March 2014). To watch more videos, please go to links below.

Online since: 26.04.2018
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ARTE TV (2014) Urine use in China as fertiliser for apple trees (Scott Chen) from documentary Urine Superpowers

ARTE aired the Urine Superpowers in Germany and France on 14 November 2014

Online since: 26.04.2018
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DFID, UNWATER, UNICEF, WSSCC and Care Bangladesh. (2008) Community Led Total Sanitation in Bangladesh A documentary video

The video is a documentary about the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach, an innovative methodology for mobilising communities to completely eliminate open defecation and take their own action to become open defecation free. It shows projects in Bangladesh and interviews with one of its pioneers Dr. Kamal Kar. It has been produced 2008 within the BBC earth report series on behalf […]

Online since: 26.04.2018
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Various Authors (2007) International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation in Dongsheng, China Conference materials

Project implementers, practitioners and researchers within the areas of urban and rural ecological and sustainable sanitation, organic waste management and agricultural reuse participated in the International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation on 26-29 August 2007 in Dongsheng, China in order to share experiences and best practices. The presentations of this conference are available as PDF on the links below.

Online since: 26.04.2018
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Various Authors (2007) Water and Food Security for Latin America International Conference in Fortaleza, Brazil Conference materials

The International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation "Water and Food Security for Latin America" was organized by Ecosanlac and the Federal University of Ceará with support of the IWA specialist group. It took place from 26-29 November 2007 in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil and became a very successful event and exceeded the expectations of the organizers. During four days, more than 200 local and international participants had the […]

Online since: 25.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) Seminar on Food Security on World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden Conference materials

Convenors: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Centre for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development (IFDC), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertifi cation (UNCCD) and Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

Online since: 25.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) Sanitation Challenge Conference in Wageningen, Netherlands Conference materials

The Sanitation Challenge Conference was deliberately aimed to create a dialogue between civil, process, agricultural and environmental engineers; urban planners, sociologists, economists, and political scientists who are involved in international sanitation research and implementation. It took place in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19. to 21. May 2008. Furthermore, this conference tried to bridge the gap between sanitation research and demonstration in the ‘North’ and in the […]

Online since: 25.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) IWA World Water Congress in Vienna, Austria Conference materials

IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition took place from 7.-12. September 2008 at the Austria Centre in Vienna. It brought together about 4.500 international water / wastewater professionals and visitors, who discussed the latest developments in sustainable water and wastewater management and offered the possibility to exchange knowledge. In addition to over 1000 papers presented, a number of keynote speeches and various workshops the congress included […]

Online since: 25.04.2018
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Various Authors (2008) NETSSAF International Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Conference materials (in English and French)

The International Conference titled "Pathways towards Sustainable Sanitation in Africa" constitutes the most relevant event held under the project NETSSAF "Network for the development of Sustainable Sanitation in Africa", a Coordination Action supported by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). A well prepared team organised this event successfully which was celebrated in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from the 24th to the 27th of […]

Online since: 25.04.2018
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SEI (2016) 10th SEI Webinar: Community initiatives for sanitation and health

Poor sanitation has serious implications for health including a large burden of diarrheal diseases, which remains the second leading killer of children under 5 globally, and a large burden of intestinal worms. Improving access to sanitation and hygiene and changing behaviours can bring not only health benefits but also many other positive changes in a community, including social, economic and environmental gains. Deepening our understanding of […]

Online since: 24.04.2018
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