Communal Wastewater Characteristics in Developing Countries Desk Study to inform Sanitation System Design Wolter, D. (2018)

Wastewater characteristics for developing countries are usually either very generalising, outdated or only applicable in a limited context under specific circumstances.

The goal of this assignment is to review and collate accessible data on DEWATS design parameters in developing countries and where possible to classify it depending on country and income group in order to
• identify knowledge gaps which will guide future BORDA R&D efforts
• form the basis for improved DEWATS design procedures

The systems and setups under investigation are communal systems (small sewer systems, community sanitation centres and combinations of the two), institutional and commercial setups, i.e. schools, offices, hospitals, hotels/lodges, and industrial systems (limited to agricultural systems and systems from industries dealing with predominantly organic products such as food processing, pulp and paper and abattoirs). The wastewaters under investigations are blackwater, greywater and mixed black and greywater as far as human activities are the source of the waste.

These 3 documents are available for download: 1) Communal Wastewater Characteristics in Developing Countries 2) Wastewater Characteristics - Research Database 3) Wastewater Characteristics - Design Database

Bibliographic information

Wolter, D. (2018). Communal Wastewater Characteristics in Developing Countries Desk Study to inform Sanitation System Design BORDA

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Decentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS)Urban (entire city)English


Communal Wastewater Characteristics in Developing Countries

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.68 MB


Wastewater Characteristics - Design Database

Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 0.05 MB


Wastewater Characteristics - Research Database

Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 1.92 MB


Communal Wastewater Characteristics in Developing Countries

Published in: 2018
Pages: 114


Wolter, D.

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