SuSanA Library

Living Web Farms (2015) Black Soldier Fly Production Part 1 Introduction: Online Course

Transform food waste into a valuable food supply for chickens, hogs, songbirds and fish with Black Soldier Fly Production. Karl Warkomski, Director of Conservation with ProtaCulture, LLC introduces us to this astounding insect that can break down food waste faster than microbes. Black Soldier Fly maggots make a high fat, high protein source of nourishment while making what is normally waste into a valuable farm/garden […]

Online since: 24.05.2018
Views: 6864
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Centre for Energy Studies Institute of Engineering (2001) Advance Course in Biogas Technology

SNV/BSP had organized a biogas training course from 17 to 20 May 2000 for the trainers of Junior Biogas Technicians (JBT) of the Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pokhara with the participation of 16 trainees having engineering background (Engineers and Overseers). The training was rated very useful. Subsequently, with support from SNV/BSP, Centre of Energy Studies (CES) of the Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuwan University felt […]

Online since: 24.05.2018
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GIZ (2018) Webinar on the WASHaLOT 3.0 Webinar on the prefabricated (group-) handwashing facility WASHaLOT 3.0

The WASHaLOT 3.0 is a prefabricated handwashing facility that accommodate washing activities of 20 persons at a time. It is currently being used in public schools in the Philippines to address the need for schools to facilitate handwashing prior to eating and thereby establish daily hygiene practice in schools. The facility has the potential to be used in other contexts such as day care centers, […]

Online since: 24.05.2018
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GIZ (2018) WASHaLOT 3.0 Webinar Presentation Presentation of Development and Technical Applicability Framework of the group-handwashing facility WASHaLOT

The WASHaLOT 3.0 is a prefabricated handwashing facility that accommodate washing activities of 20 persons at a time. It is currently being used in public schools in the Philippines to address the need for schools to facilitate handwashing prior to eating and thereby establish daily hygiene practice in schools. The facility has the potential to be used in other contexts such as day care centers, […]

Online since: 24.05.2018
Views: 2612
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NAVTTC (2011) Curriculum for Biogas Technicians (Masons) to Construct Fixed Dome Biodigesters (Level 2)

This curriculum is developed for the competency based training of Biogas Technicians. The term competency is at the heart of the training reform agenda, the new system of vocational education and training. Competency refers to the ability to perform ‘whole’ work roles to the standard expected in employment. Job performance involves more than the performance of a well-defined set of tasks in a routine, predictable […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
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Biogas Solutions Uganda Ltd., SNV Uganda (2016) Operation and Maintenance of Biogas Plants, Bio-slurry Management and Use A Practical Handbook for the Trainer of Trainers of Biogas Construction Enterprises

The handbook includes activities for mobilizing trainees, preparing and conducting training sessions and the layout of training topics. Because of the way it is written, the ToTs or others who may be less experienced in workshop presentation may see this as an opportunity to develop new skills. This particular guide addresses some aspects of trainer preparation but focuses on the content and its presentation rather […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
Views: 2872
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CS WASH (2016) Webinar: CSOs engaging local government for market-based sanitation

This webinar led by Topic Expert Associate Professor Juliet Willetts focuses on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and market-based sanitation approaches. It addresses the question, How can CSOs also work with local government or other local actors to facilitate market-based approaches?

Online since: 23.05.2018
Views: 1367
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Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment (2016) Webinar: Container-Based Sanitation Solutions

On March 17, 2016 Water Health and Development hosted a webinar discussing Container-Based Sanitation Solutions

Online since: 23.05.2018
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AquaRating (2017) IWA Webinar: AquaRating Transforming the management of water and sanitation utilities

AquaRating is the performance assessment system for water and sanitation service providers. This rating solution focuses the challenges services providers face in a comprehensive way, evaluating their performance through indicators and management practices, establishing an international standard, and relying on information verified by an external entity. AquaRating was launched in 2015 and has currently utilities assessed in 5 continents. This webinar, with 4 speakers from different […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
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VIA Water (2016) VIA Water Webconference: Treatment of Faecal Sludge

VIA Water Webconference discussing treatment of Faecal Sludge

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Practical Action (2015) Faecal sludge management in Bangladesh

While rapidly-growing towns across Bangladesh don’t have proper sewerage system, the country has made a remarkable progress in terms of sanitation. Practical Action has been in the forefront of the faecal sludge management (FSM) practices in Bangladesh.

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Practica Foundation (2014) Manuel de formation technique: Vidange hygienique a faible cout (in French) Technical Training Manual: Low Cost Hygienic Drain

La vidange hygiénique alternative des fosses de latrines représente une nécessité primordiale dans un contexte où l’assainissement dans les pays en voie de développement repose toujours plus sur les systèmes autonomes qui écessitent tous des opérations de vidange à un moment donné. Le terme « vidange hygiénique alternative » intègre deux concepts qui constituent de véritables défis sur les plans techniques, sociologiques et économiques. En […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
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Kvarnstrom, E., Verhagen, J., Vishwanath, Singh, K., Ramachandran, S. (2012) IRC webinar: commercial productive use of faecal sludge Commercial Re-use in Bengaluru

Waste is a resource in the wrong place. People that have no sewer connection do go to the toilet though urban authorities seem to think differently given the neglect of the multitude of sanitation self-service models that have emerged in many cities. During this webinar Joep Verhagen presented the results of a case study. The case study investigates a model that is based […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
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UMC (2012) City Sanitation Plan, Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation had invited Urban Management Centre to prepare the City Sanitation Plan for Ahmedabad for AMC jurisdiction in July 2011. UMC conducted field visits to assess the status of municipal services, establish relationship between statistical data provided by ULBs and ground realities. UMC summarized the findings and presented proposals to fill in the gaps in sanitation services. The City Sanitation […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
Views: 4129
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Government of Gujarat (2015) Guidelines for Open Defecation Free Gujarat

This guideline is a ready reckoner for Urban Local Bodies of Gujarat to achieve Open Defecation Free cities/towns. The document has been prepared based on the National guidelines of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). The document highlights strategies for achieving OD free settlements include but are not limited to: 1. Ensuring adequacy of toilets –individual and public toilets and Effective operations and maintenance of public toilets 2. […]

Online since: 23.05.2018
Views: 2514
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SuSanA (2010) The importance of sanitation for society

Trevor Mulaudzi speaks on South African TV about the importance of sanitation for society.

Online since: 22.05.2018
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SuSanA (2014) Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Delhi, India

This library entry shows a tour video of the exhibits at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Delhi, India (21 to 22 March 2014). Other videos within the event can also be watched through the links below.

Online since: 22.05.2018
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SuSanA (2014) Thammarat Koottatep: Solar septic tank and hydrocyclone toilet (AIT, Thailand), Part 2

Thammarat, who spoke about the solar septic tank and hydrocyclone toilet, was interviewed by Elisabeth von Muench on 21 March 2014 at Taj Palace Hotel in Delhi, India. Filmed by Arno Rosemarin (SEI) during "Reinvent the Toilet Fair".

Online since: 22.05.2018
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SuSanA (2010) Promoting Ecological Sanitation in Kenya

This project was financed by EU, SIDA and GTZ (BMZ). It had been implemented by the EcoSan Promotion Project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) in 2007 to 2010. More than 800 toilets, so called Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilets (UDDTs) were constructed with CBOs and beneficiaries at households and at schools in rural and peri-urban areas. A different technology called pour-flush toilets in […]

Online since: 22.05.2018
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Government of Gujarat (2014) Sanitation Index: Indicator for monitoring cleanliness under Mahatma Gandhi Swachhta Mission

The document provides a framework to monitor cleanliness in government owned or occupied buildings and derive Sanitation Index for building ratings. This framework is aligned with the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) guidelines and Ministry of Urban Development’s Service Level Benchmarking (SLB) framework and sanitation rating under the National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP). The document would assist in: 1. Providing a quantitative measurement to gauge the […]

Online since: 22.05.2018
Views: 6011
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