SuSanA Library

SNV & FACT Foundation (2014) Productive Biogas - Current and Future Development Five case studies across Vietnam, Uganda, Honduras, Mali and Peru

Online since: 12.06.2014
Views: 6786
Downloads: 11288

Tanji, R. (2009) Evaluation d’une expérience d’assainissement/épuration décentralisé destinée aux centres périurbains de Casablanca : Cas du projet de Douar Rmel (in French) Evaluation of sanitation/decentralised treatment project for peri-urban areas of Casablanca: case of Douar Rmel

Online since: 10.06.2014
Views: 5716
Downloads: 47

Online since: 10.06.2014
Views: 11665
Downloads: 19417

Keipp, W., Schuen, R., Hoffmann, H. (2013) Integrated urban sanitation at scale Discussion paper

Online since: 03.06.2014
Views: 6130
Downloads: 326

Cranston, P. (2014) Knowledge Management and Building Demand for Sanitation

This document is the final report from a consultancy assignment focusing on Knowledge Management in the Building Demand for Sanitation (BDS) portfolio of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program. The assignment entailed: - Surveying the participants of the 2014 annual Grantee Convening - Facilitating a consultative and ideation process during the convening on how improved KM could contribute to program […]

Online since: 29.05.2014
Views: 9077
Downloads: 296

Online since: 27.05.2014
Views: 4915
Downloads: 93

Mijthab M., Woods E., Lokey H., Foote A., Rieck. C (2013) Sanivation and MoSan Toilet 4 week Service Pilot in Karagita Naivasha, Kenya

Online since: 27.05.2014
Views: 13641
Downloads: 224

Driouache, A. H. (1999) Optimierung der Abwasserreinigung durch Biogasverwertung auf der Kläranlage Ben Sergao/Agadir, Marokko (in German) Optimisation of wastewater treatment via biogas utilisation at the WWTP Ben Sergao/Agadir, Morocco

Online since: 27.05.2014
Views: 5457
Downloads: 78

von Muench, E. (2014) Ein kleine Sensibilisierung für das Thema Sanitärversorgung für Grundschulkinder (in German) Sensibilisation for the topic of sanitation for primary school children

Online since: 27.05.2014
Views: 4001
Downloads: 36

Niebel, S. (2010) Charakteristik von Toilettenpapier vor dem Hintergrund seiner gezielten Hydrolyse (in German) Characeristics of toilet paper in the context of targeted hydrolysis

Online since: 21.05.2014
Views: 4328
Downloads: 19

Soudi, B. (2003) Rapport d’évaluation des centres de Co-traitement des déchets ménagers mis en place à Missour, Oulmès et Tiflet (in French) Evaluation report of centres for co-treatment of household wastes at à Missour, Oulmès et Tiflet

Online since: 15.05.2014
Views: 4788
Downloads: 48

Soudi, B. (2003) Manuel d’utilisation des boues résiduaires issues des stations d’épuration des eaux usées : Etat de l’art et tentatives d’adaptation aux pays de Proche Orient (in French) Manual for reuse of sludge from wastewater treatment plants: State of the art and attempts to adapt to countries of the Middle East

Online since: 15.05.2014
Views: 4605
Downloads: 31

Soudi, B. (2013) Valorisation des eaux non conventionnelles: Renforcement de l’offre et mesure d’adaptation au changement climatique dans les zones arides, Cas du Maroc (in French) Development of non-conventional water: Strengthening the supply and adaptation measures to climate change in arid zones, Case of Morocco

Online since: 15.05.2014
Views: 4884
Downloads: 109

Soudi, B., Xanthoulis, D. (2007) Guide technique de réutilisation en agriculture des eaux usées épurées et des boues des stations d’épuration (in French) Technical Guide to reuse in agriculture of treated wastewater and sewage sludge

Online since: 15.05.2014
Views: 5660
Downloads: 127

AIVE (2010) Infiltration des eaux usées épurées par drains de dispersion (in French) Infiltration of treated wastewater by leach fields

Online since: 14.05.2014
Views: 4065
Downloads: 75

Evans, B., van der Voorden, C., Peal, A. (2009) Public Funding for Sanitation The many faces of sanitation subsidies

Online since: 14.05.2014
Views: 13911
Downloads: 247

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ (2014) Health and Environmental Education Campaigns in Bolivia

Online since: 05.05.2014
Views: 6202
Downloads: 542

Online since: 01.05.2014
Views: 4191
Downloads: 50

Yeh, D. (2013) NEWgenerator(TM) for recovery of nutrients, energy and water from human wastes Various documents on results from research grant

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Daniel Yeh is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below. Short description of the project: The NEWgenerator is a compact and robust resource recovery machine that is paired with pit latrines, septic tanks, fecal sludge pits and […]

Online since: 30.04.2014
Views: 5853
Downloads: 94

Hamdani, I. (2008) Gestion des boues des stations d’épuration au Maroc : Quantification, caractérisation et options de traitement et de valorisation (in French) Management of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in Morocco: Quantification, characterization and treatment options and recovery

Online since: 23.04.2014
Views: 6984
Downloads: 367



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