SuSanA Library

Buckley, C. (2015) Data Acquisition and Field Support for Sanitation Projects (Phase 2: 2013-2015) Various documents on results from research grant

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Chris Buckley is leading and which is funded by the WSH Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge (RTTC) Round 1, Phase 2. Further information is available on the discussion forum, see link below.

Online since: 10.02.2014
Views: 8190
Downloads: 220

Online since: 06.02.2014
Views: 6388
Downloads: 293

Online since: 04.02.2014
Views: 15047
Downloads: 430

EVI (2013) Waste to Energy Technical and Financial Analysis, India Technical and financial analysis for opportunities and obstacles associated with various FS to energy processing options

Online since: 03.02.2014
Views: 7821
Downloads: 1285

von Muench, E. (2009) Compilation of 24 SuSanA Case Studies Pre-Print for the 10th SuSanA meeting

Online since: 31.01.2014
Views: 11393
Downloads: 437

Zimmermann, N., Wafler, M. (2009) Urine and greywater treatment with reuse at Ashram School, Sarole Pathar, Maharashtra, India (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 31.01.2014
Views: 10763
Downloads: 190

Gensch, R. (2008) Compost and biogas plants for small scale farmers, Nairobi, Kenya (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 31.01.2014
Views: 14363
Downloads: 716

GTZ Ecosan (2001) Boletín ecosan 2001-2008 (in Spanish) Ecosan Newsletters from the years 2001-2008

Online since: 30.01.2014
Views: 4808
Downloads: 278

Online since: 30.01.2014
Views: 19129
Downloads: 2451

Online since: 22.01.2014
Views: 8975
Downloads: 361

Zimmermann, N., Wafler, M. (2009) Urine and greywater treatment with reuse at Ashram School Sarole Pathar, Maharashtra, India (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 17.01.2014
Views: 11618
Downloads: 191

United Nations (2013) A New Global Partnership: Eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Online since: 17.01.2014
Views: 5203
Downloads: 166

Reed, B., Shaw, R., Chatterton, K. (2013) Fiches techniques eau, hygiène, et assainissement en situation d'urgence (in French) Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies

Online since: 16.01.2014
Views: 9424
Downloads: 15689

Soudi, B., Chrifi, H. (2007) Options de gestion des déchets solides municipaux adaptées aux contextes des Pays du Sud (in French) Options for managing municipal solid waste adapted to the contexts of countries in the South

Online since: 15.01.2014
Views: 5856
Downloads: 174

Soudi, B. (2005) Le compostage des déchets de cultures sous serre et du fumier (in French) The composting of waste from greenhouse crops and manure

Online since: 15.01.2014
Views: 4816
Downloads: 78

Online since: 14.01.2014
Views: 15398
Downloads: 25646

Jagtap, A. (2010) World Bank / Mumbai Municipality Slum Sanitation Program India (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 07.01.2014
Views: 17655
Downloads: 859

Kulkarni, S., Kumar, R.S.A. (2010) Malaprabha Technology in Dehu village, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra, India (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 07.01.2014
Views: 12720
Downloads: 327

KfW, GTZ (2008) Vacuum sewerage and greywater recycling at KfW building Frankfurt, Germany (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 07.01.2014
Views: 10095
Downloads: 254

IPP Consult, GTZ (2008) Humification of sewage sludge in El-Minia and Nawaq, Egypt (draft) Case study of sustainable sanitation projects

Online since: 07.01.2014
Views: 10322
Downloads: 193



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