This document gives a quick overview on the uploading and labelling process of photos to the SuSanA photstream on flickr.
This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Sudhir Pillay is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (further information is also available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below). The SRFA Project was established through a USD 2.5 Million grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The project was aims to stimulate local competency and […]
Sanitation Matters is a knowledge sharing publication of the Southern Africa knowledge node on sustainable sanitation (SAKNNS). The purpose of the publication is to share information and knowledge on sustainable sanitation within the Southern Africa region. From the table of content: THE SANITATION TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM THE SPLASH URBAN SANITATION RESEARCH PROGRAMME WORKSHOP IN KAMPALA, UGANDA INDUSTRIAL USE OF FAECAL SLUDGE FOR FUEL: PILOT STUDY IN KAMPALA SANITATION COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE WORKSHOP: WISA BIENNIAL […]
The Essential Health Care Programme (EHCP) is a successful response to a number of serious health problems facing Philippine children. Supported financially and technically by German Development Cooperation (GDC¹) since its beginnings, the programme uses simple, evidence-based interventions that can be delivered at low cost in elementary schools to reduce illness and missed days of school.
The book highlights the experience of implementing the Erdos Eco-Town Project in Inner Mongolia, China, the largest-scale urban ecological sanitation project to date. The need for improved sanitation around the world is becoming a crisis, and the situation is particularly critical in urban and peri-urban areas in developing countries. Here the population is growing rapidly, and where sanitation is provided, the means to treat and dispose […]
In Portuguese: Motivado por incessantes questionamentos acerca da atual situação do saneamento rural no Brasil, devido à falta de um saneamento adequado, e suas conseqüências para o meio ambiente, saúde e segurança alimentar, o projeto propõe estabelecer uma alternativa sustentável de esgotamento sanitário. O objetivo do projeto é buscar opções para a correta destinação dos resíduos líquidos (águas negras). A tecnologia implementada em Itabira, Minas Gerais, […]
This Report was prepared in close collaboration with and in support of the work of the Toilet Board Coalition. Hystra , through this publication, aims to provide strategies and solutions that tie in with those of the Toilet Board Coalition, by providing insights and recommendations about promising initiatives and business models, and how to accelerate and replicate them. The report analyses projects in rural areas that […]
This toolkit has been developed in response to an acknowledgement that although the lack of access to appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene services (WASH) is not the root cause of violence, it can lead to increased vulnerabilities to violence of varying forms. Incidences have been reported from a wide range of contexts, often anecdotally but with regular occurrence, with a number of targeted studies confirming […]
This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Ashley Muspratt is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below. Short description of the project: Pivot is building our first fecal sludge to solid fuel facility (called Pivot Works) that will act as a commercial-scale demonstration factory. […]
From 7 to 9 April 2014 more than 200 people from around thirty countries met in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso to share experiences and ideas on the monitoring and evaluation of local water and sanitation services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa.
Du 7 au 9 avril 2014 se sont réunies à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, plus de 200 personnes issues d’une trentaine de pays pour partager des expériences et des réflexions sur la thématique du suivi-évaluation des services locaux d’eau et d’assainissement dans les zones rurales et villes secondaires en Afrique de l’ouest.
Tarija es un departamento que cuenta con importantes recursos hídricos, tanto superficiales como subterráneos. Sin embargo, el balance hídrico se ve afectado cada vez más debido al cambio de las condiciones climáticas, al uso ineficiente de los recursos hídricos y al crecimiento de las necesidades de agua para los distintos usos. Por otro lado, la falta de saneamiento y tratamiento de aguas servidas y desechos […]
This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Meera Mehta and Dinesh Mehta are leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion forum, see link below. Short description of the project: Lack of reliable and updated information about operational and financial performance of urban water supply and sanitation services […]
From the foreword: Apart from expanding and supporting the ecosan network, this second symposium provided experts from a wide range of disciplines with the opportunity for a professional exchange. The attendance of 350 enthusiastic experts from a wide range of disciplines from 60 countries ensured that the exchange was fruitful and addressed the complexity of the transition to new sanitation concepts. A further goal of the […]
This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Sangita Vyas is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Short description of the project: Open defecation imposes enormous costs on children’s health and human capital, and is exceptionally widespread in India. We believe that there is convincing evidence of the benefits for health and human capital of safe latrine use. […]
A study of physical, chemical and biological descriptors of the water in the storage réservoir of a combined stabilization pond (Ben Slimane, Morocco), during maturation, showed an improvement of the purification output for some variables after 36 days of rétention. Such an environment, rich with a range of différent nutrients, allowed an optimal development of plankton characterized by a high species diversity that decreased with […]