La première partie de ce document explique le lien entre les interventions EAH et la sous-nutrition et l’importance de ce secteur dans une stratégie de lutte contre la sous-nutrition. La deuxième partie illustre le manque de priorisation et de financement du secteur EAH dans les programmes nutritionnels nationaux et internationaux. Available in English titled "WASH and Undernutrition" (see link below).
The first section of this document explains the links between WASH interventions and undernutrition as well as the important role the WASH sector has to play within a strategy to combat undernutrition. The second section highlights the low priority and poor funding that the WASH sector obtains within national and international nutrition programmes. Available in French titled "EAH et sous-nutrition" (see link below).
This document is about low-temperature slow composting toilets (called her moldering privy) in remote hiking areas in the US. ++++++++++++ The ATC Backcountry Sanitation Manual addresses the management of human waste in the backcountry. Proper management of human waste protects hikers, the environment, and trail maintainers. Resolving problems of backcountry sanitation is a continuous challenge for AppalachianTrail (A.T.) clubs and land managers. This manual was created in the belief that all remote recreation areas will benefit […]
This paper explains how 85 sanitation research grants awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are being discussed on the open Sustainable Sanitation Alliance discussion forum in order to link these innovative sanitation science and technology research projects to the wider international sanitation community. In late 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded a grant to the Stockholm Environment Institute to showcase the Foundation’s […]
In Issue 21 of SSP we present three papers on „Sludge treatment“, i.e. presented: • In the first paper we describe the new sludge treatment line that is currently implemented at the Vienna main wastewater treatment plant (the contribution summarises public available material), • Markus Lechner describes the design of the first sludge drying reed bed in Montenegro, and • Magdalena Bäuerl et al. present results of the project […]
In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below. The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together […]
In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below. The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together […]
In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below. The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together […]
In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below. The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together […]
In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below. The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together […]