SuSanA Library

Walther, D., Yadav, J., Sharma, R. (2013) Improved household level sewage connectivity through capacity development of stakeholders engaged in plumbing SNUSP - Factsheet

The overall goal is improvement of citywide sanitation, health and environment through introduction of good practices for household level wastewater discharge. This will be achieved by developing a customised training module for plumbers and integrating it into existing plumbing training courses.

Online since: 13.08.2014
Views: 3904
Downloads: 21

Pérez Sánchez, J. D. (2013) Identificación y cuantificación automática de huevos de helmintos en muestras de agua residual (in Spanish) Automatic identification and quantification of helminth eggs in wastewater samples

Online since: 08.08.2014
Views: 5518
Downloads: 158

Rudolph, H.-H., Mbalo, D., Becker, A., Weber, L. (2014) Water, Life and Perspectives Intergenerational Dialogue in Mathare, Kenya [DRAFT]

Online since: 25.07.2014
Views: 4440
Downloads: 64

Jiménez Cisneros, B. (2014) Software to identify and quantify pathogenic helminth eggs Various documents on results from research grant

Online since: 22.07.2014
Views: 5280
Downloads: 187

Online since: 21.07.2014
Views: 4757
Downloads: 73

Online since: 21.07.2014
Views: 3829
Downloads: 6363

Online since: 21.07.2014
Views: 5223
Downloads: 113

SEI (2018) Documents from the SuSanA BMGF Grant led by SEI (Phases 1 to 3) Various documents from this project

This library entry contains documents produced during a grant that Arno Rosemarin from Stockholm Environment Institute was leading and which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion forum (see link below). +++++++++ Phase 1: Title: "Expansion of the Sanitation Network into the SuSanA Community" Duration: Nov. 2012 - Apr. 2014 The purpose of this project was to […]

Online since: 16.07.2014
Views: 6940
Downloads: 406

WASTE (2014) Emergency sanitation project Progress report

The Emergency Sanitation Project (ESP) aims to increase the global understanding of current and future emergency sanitation solutions and to propose new concepts and modular technologies for safe excreta disposal and hygiene in emergency settings that are applicable in a variety of situations and contexts. This report summarizes progress of the ESP’s work funded by the US Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). The ESP commenced […]

Online since: 16.07.2014
Views: 5325
Downloads: 142

WASTE (2014) Malawi field trials Emergency sanitation

Online since: 16.07.2014
Views: 3849
Downloads: 34

WRC (2014) DEWATS process for decentralised wastewater treatment Technical lessons from eThekwini Municipality

Online since: 10.07.2014
Views: 13292
Downloads: 22132

WRC (2014) Achieve Green Drop status Kruger National Park chooses green technology to achieve a Green Drop - Lesson series May 2014

Online since: 10.07.2014
Views: 4650
Downloads: 22

Online since: 09.07.2014
Views: 9626
Downloads: 628

Online since: 09.07.2014
Views: 18529
Downloads: 540

Online since: 09.07.2014
Views: 4312
Downloads: 7170

Mengueze, S., Mbuvi, D., Dickin, S., Schuster-Wallace, C. (2014) A micro financing framework for rural water and sanitation provisioning in Sub-Saharan Africa Report

Online since: 09.07.2014
Views: 3877
Downloads: 58

Online since: 03.07.2014
Views: 5010
Downloads: 173

Gensch, R., Hansen, R., Ihme, M. (2014) Linking Relief and Development in the WASH Sector An Overview and Contribution to the International Debate

Online since: 03.07.2014
Views: 6874
Downloads: 11446

McCarty, P.L., Bachmann, A. (1992) Bioconversion Reactor [Anaerobic Baffled Reactor, ABR] Anaerobic fermentation patent

Online since: 30.06.2014
Views: 5814
Downloads: 155

Online since: 27.06.2014
Views: 4200
Downloads: 53



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