A key aim of this publication is to share information about the legal enforcement of the human rights to water and sanitation. As such, it is a useful tool for judges, lawyers and those advocating for these rights, and should prove essential for crafting legal complaints that better ensure accountability for violations of the rights to water and sanitation and achieving effective remedies for those […]
This document serves as an introduction to the criteria for siting sanitation systems in order to reduce the risk of adversely affecting groundwater quality.
Many studies have reported the results of interventions to reduce illness through improvements in drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene practices in less developed countries. There has, however, been no formal systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the evidence of the relative effectiveness of these interventions. A comprehensive search strategy designed to identify all peer-reviewed articles, in any language, that presented water, sanitation, or hygiene interventions was developed.
Researchers are exploring the possibility that poor hygiene and a lack of sanitation induce a gut disorder called environmental enteropathy (EE) that diverts energy from growth toward an ongoing fight against subclinical infection. Nutritionists are now collaborating with experts in a field known as water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and their combined efforts are helping to galvanize regional programs to improve hygiene in countries afflicted […]
This paper aims to provide some practical guidance on how water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programmes can be more nutrition-sensitive and how nutrition programmes can incorporate more WASH aspects. It should be useful for all project staff working in nutrition and WASH programmes when WASH and/or a nutrition programme are in operation.
Unsafe water was considered the primary cause of diarrhea in children transitioning from an exclusive breastfeeding diet, but recent evidence also points to unsafe food. The brochure highlights some WASH interventions that can prevent diarrhea and undernutrition even in hygiene-challenged environments.
UNICEF’s 2009 report Tracking Progress on Child and Maternal Nutrition drew attention to the impact of high levels of undernutrition on child survival, growth and development and their social and economic toll on nations. It described the state of nutrition programmes worldwide and argued for improving and expanding delivery of key nutrition interventions during the critical 1,000-day window covering a woman’s pregnancy and the first […]
The purpose of the policy brief is to provide an outline of the emerging framework of key considerations, principles and priorities for action to address undernutrition and to mobilize support for increased investment in a set of nutrition interventions across different sectors. Thus, the intended audience is principally policymakers and opinion leaders, rather than nutrition specialists.
The EU Reference Document on Addressing Undernutrition in External Assistance seeks to help transform aid programmes so that they can achieve real progress in preventing undernutrition. It provides a detailed description of how nutrition benefits can be realised by modifying the design of programmes in all relevant sectors and thematic areas - from health to governance, food security to gender.
(Version 2005, revised 2007, produced (CD format) 2007) The article examines how the factors malnutrition, water sanitation and hygiene and infections interact and draws conclusions for future work on tackling the issues
Maternal and child undernutrition was the subject of a Series of papers in The Lancet in 2008. Five years after the initial series, the problems of maternal and child undernutrition were re-evaluated.
The sanitation ladder is a useful tool that is being used to monitor progress towards the sanitation target of the MDGs. This tool could be even more useful if it can be refined to be based on the functions of sanitation systems rather than on a hierarchy of predefined sanitation technologies. This paper presents a seven-rung function-based sanitation ladder where the functions can be broadly divided […]
The absence of sewers and roads at backcountry sites makes the management of human excreta offensive, intensive, and expensive. Proper management is essential in order to prevent deleterious pathogen and nutrient discharge. The dearth of resources, vague certification standards, absence of monitoring, and erroneous popular perception have caused misapplication of systems and mismanagement of end products. Elevated environmental impacts, human health risks, and management costs […]