On-site sanitation developments, presentations of Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial Conference in Nelspruit WISA (2014)

The WRC has co-hosted The Sanitation Community of Practice workshop on the 28th May 2014, 8:30-12:30 Cheetah Room at Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial Conference in Nelspruit. The purpose of the workshop was bring together researchers and non-researchers and showcase the products that have developed over the years with regards to on-site sanitation. A number of products and technologies have been developed / are being developed; the workshop will present a platform where the research and development can be disseminated. The products will cover most aspects along the on-site sanitation chain. At the user-toilet interface, the low and pour flush application pilot studies will be presented. Technologies for faecal sludge beneficiation will also be shown including deep row entrenchment of faecal sludge and products developed from the SRFA project. The presentations for WISA Biennial are uploaded as pdf files below: 1. Deep Row Entrenchment of Sludges by Mr Dave Still, Partners in Development. 2. Pour and Low Flush Pilots by Mr Dave Still, Partners in Development. 3. The Western Cape Pour Flush Pilot by Mr Jonny Harris, Maluti GSM. 4. Characterisation of Faecal Sludge from Pour Flush Toilets by Aoife Byrne, MSc Eng student from the Pollution Research Group, Chemical Eng, UKZN. 5. Presentation about the SRFA project by Jay Bhagwan Information: The first presentation looks at deep row entrenchment as beneficiation disposal route for faecal sludge. The remaining presentations looked at the pour / low / micro flush pilots in South Africa with characterisation studies performed on the sludge and compared to VIP sludge. The noticeable aspect to come out of the research was that people liked the technology and there was little trash disposed into the leach pit from the toilet; this was mostly due to bowel design. See also here on the SuSanA Discussion Forum: http://forum.susana.org/forum/categories/21-events/8528-sanitation-community-of-practice-workshop-wisa-28-may-2014-nelspruit-south-africa-pour-flush-toilets-in-south-africa#8912

Bibliographic information

WISA (2014). On-site sanitation developments, presentations of Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial Conference in Nelspruit South Africa

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Faecal sludge treatment processesPeri-urbanRuralPresentationsEnglish


1 - Deep Row Entrenchment of Sludges by Mr Dave Still, Partners in Development

Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.51 MB


2 - Pour and Low Flush Pilots by Mr Dave Still, Partners in Development

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.67 MB


3 - The Western Cape Pour Flush Pilot by Mr Jonny Harris, Maluti GSM

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.26 MB


4 - Characterisation of Faecal Sludge from Pour Flush Toilets by Aoife Byrne, MSc Eng student from the Pollution Research Group, Chemical Eng, UKZN

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.76 MB


5 - Presentation about the SRFA project

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.41 MB


On-site sanitation developments, presentations of Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) Biennial Conference in Nelspruit

Published in: 2014
Pages: 0

South Africa


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