The Third International Faecal Sludge Management Conference was held in Hanoi from the 18th to the 21st of January 2015. More than 700 delegates from around the world shared ideas and discussed challenges and opportunities in on-site sanitation. Below you find the list of papers in chronological order by day (Day 1-3) and room (room 1-3 ). In order to search by author, simply press "Ctrl+F" […]
The synthesis of the thematic discussion series "The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps" provides a summary and the key points of the first thematic discussion series on the SuSanA Discussion Forum. The thematic discussion addressed the role of the functional sanitation ladder in the WASH-related post-2015 landscape, where discussions and negotiations are currently taking place to determine the targets and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals […]
Over 500 million people in the world are disabled, the majority of whom live in poverty in low-income communities. A major contributing factor to the poverty of disabled people is their lack of access to sanitation and safe water. The Millennium Development Goals of poverty reduction, health and access to safe water and sanitation will be difficult to achieve equitably without addressing the access needs […]
This booklet is the ninth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO’s work in HIV and health education. It is one of several contributions to school-based health promotion that UNESCO has produced to complement our work in HIV and sexuality education. The booklet lays out the context and rationale for education sector involvement, the characteristics of good quality puberty education […]
The main purpose of this resource is to provide a comprehensive resource on menstrual hygiene that supports the development of context-specific Information for improving practices for women and girls in lower- and middle-income countries. This will be achieved through: • Bringing together examples of good menstrual Hygiene practice from around the world, related to policies, strategies, programmes and interventions, so that knowledge can be shared and adapted to different contexts. • […]