SuSanA Library

Alsaleh, T., Pajak, J. (2017) Decentralized Multi - stage Household Level Waste Water and Solid Waste Management Approach, Southern Syria Case study publication

The sanitation situation in Southern Syria is particularly affected by the protracted conflict, which resulted in increased damage to infrastructure and an alarming reduction in essential services at both the community and governorate levels. As a result, several systems have ceased to operate because of damage or stolen equipment and the incapacity of the communities to carry out repairs and maintenance.

Online since: 06.02.2018
Views: 4177
Downloads: 74

GIZ (2018) Best Practices on Solid Waste Management in India English and Hindi Versions - SNUSP II

Case study tutorials under the Swachh Bharat Mission of the Government of India. The Kochi module reflects the best practices on source segregation of waste as exemplified by the Kochi Municipal Corporation. The case study shows how source segregation, composting, stringent legal system coupled with multi-stakeholder participation leads to effective waste managemnet in urban places which are devoid of adequate landfill spaces. The Panaji module […]

Online since: 01.02.2018
Views: 23522
Downloads: 39161

Klinger, M., Sherpa, M. (2016) SFD Report - Tikapur, Nepal SFD Promotion Initiative

Tikapur is a municipality of over 60,000 inhabitants (56,136, 2011 census), located on the right bank of the Karnali river in the Terai district of Kailali, far western region. It is a “new town” and was founded about 50 years ago and is composed of four main different socio-economic settings. There is a well-planned core-urban area in Ward 9, which is based on a master […]

Online since: 01.02.2018
Views: 4956
Downloads: 546

Oxfam (2017) Promoting WASH Market Based Approaches in Zimbabwe

Oxfam Fighting Cholera and Typhoid through, WASH Market Based Approaches.

Online since: 31.01.2018
Views: 2056
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GIZ (2017) PTM Process Overview

The “Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy II (SNUSP II)” Programme implemented by GIZ supported the Indian Ministry in achieving the targets of the National Urban Sanitation Policy during 2014-2017. We have integrated the Public Toilet Management (PTM) Process including the most important focal areas for each process step and tools in the SuSanA website for our Community of Practise to utilise. You can […]

Online since: 31.01.2018
Views: 3983
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GIZ (2018) Upscaling Sanitation - Instruments and Initiatives Across India The Road to 100% City Sanitation - SNUSP II

This impact brochure introduces the reader to the main objectives and interventions of the GIZ project "Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy (SNUSP) II " and highlights hands-on experiences from the ground. SNUSP II supported the states in preparing strategies, roadmap and framework for quality implementation. The project also supported cities to strengthen its capacities in planning and implementation of projects. The focus […]

Online since: 31.01.2018
Views: 2424
Downloads: 34

GIZ (2018) Waste to Energy Plant in Nashik Movie SNUSP II

Like many cities in India, the city of Nashik is also struggling with citywide Solid Waste and Wastewater management. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an integrated approach to solid waste and wastewater management on the one hand and control of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions on the other hand. The Waste to Energy Project in Nashik is one such solution through co-processing of […]

Online since: 31.01.2018
Views: 2114
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Swachha Andhra Corporation (SAC (2016) Guidelines for Public and Community Toilets Management By Cities in Andrah Pradesh - SNUSP II

Elimination of open defecation is one of the key components of the Swachh Andhra Mission. In order to achieve open defecation free towns, ensuring adequacy through construction of toilets –individual, community and public toilets and effective operations and maintenance is the strategic approach which the scheme emphasizes. Individual Household Toilet (IHHT) is a major component of the SBM. The aspect of public or community […]

Online since: 31.01.2018
Views: 6367
Downloads: 590

Generation Nutrition (2016) Lack of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and its effects on nutrition

Video of Generation Nutrition about the link between WASH and Nutrition

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 2428
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Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (2014) Chuck Henry: Earth Auger: Urine diverting dry toilet (Critical Practices LLC, Ecuador), Part 2

The goal of this project was to develop several prototypes of a mechanised, pedal-operated, low-cost, easy-to-use, odourless urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT). Chuck was interviewed by Elisabeth von Muench on 22 March 2014 at Taj Palace Hotel in Delhi, India. Filmed by Arno Rosemarin (SEI) during the "Reinvent the Toilet Fair".

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 2707
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Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (2014) Alison Parker: Nano Membrane Toilet, demonstration of exhibit (Cranfield Uni, UK) , Part 2

Alison Parker and her team at Cranfield University has been challenged to "Reinvent the Toilet". They propose a solution that uses membranes and electro-spray technologies to treat human waste on-site without external energy or water. The university received $810,000 funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in August 2012 to produce a prototype in the UK by the end of November 2013 (in the […]

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 2381
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Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (2014) Bincy Baby: eToilet Imperial Model (Eram Scientific, India) - demonstration of exhibits, Part 2

Eram developed India's first electronic public toilet, the 'eToilet', with unique automated features to maximize user experience (e.g. payment mechanism, doors, washing mechanisms). In this project, Eram proposes to refine the eToilet by minimizing water requirements, improving sterilization mechanisms, and reducing necessary power consumption. The final eToilet will be a completely standalone system, integrated with high-end technologies, that is sustainable in terms of cost and […]

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 2917
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SuSanA (2017) A Guideline to Organise SuSanA Thematic Discussion Series

This guideline will assist SuSanA partners and all other organisations that are interested in organising a thematic discussion on the SuSanA Forum during the planning process. It provides helpful background information and recommendations on what to keep in mind to organise a successful thematic discussion. The guidelines have been developed based on feedback and recommendations received from previous discussions, including a variety of best practice […]

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 3605
Downloads: 76

Walther, D. (2017) Waste to Energy Plant in Nashik Brochure - SNUSP II

Like many cities in India, the city of Nashik is also struggling with citywide Solid Waste and Wastewater management. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an integrated approach to solid waste and wastewater management on the one hand and control of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions on the other hand. The Waste to Energy Project in Nashik is one such solution through co-processing of […]

Online since: 30.01.2018
Views: 4396
Downloads: 428

UNICEF (2016) Nutrition - WASH Toolkit Guide for Practical Joint Actions

Undernutrition is a major cause of disease and death, affecting billions of people worldwide, especially women and children in impoverished communities. In the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, despite economic growth, and achievements in health and nutrition indicators, maternal and child malnutrition rates and burden remain high. Almost 28 million children are stunted in the EAP region, with one third of those children in […]

Online since: 22.01.2018
Views: 4324
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Jacob, N. (2018) From missing market incentives to misaligned incentives. What is choking India’s rural sanitation progress? Synthesis Document - SuSanA India Chapter thematic online discussion

Under the umbrella of the SuSanA Indian Chapter, the India Sanitation Coalition in partnership with Population Services International (PSI) and SuSanA, held a four-week thematic discussion on India's national rural sanitation programme, the Swachh Bharat Mission‐Gramin (SBM‐G). Starting point for the discussion were findings from a PSI policy landscape study that reviewed existing literature and conducted key informant interviews to understand SBM‐G, key functions and […]

Online since: 18.01.2018
Views: 3670
Downloads: 143

Global WASH Cluster (2016) Cash and Markets In The WASH Sector A global WASH Cluster position paper

Market based programming is increasingly heralded as having a critical place in the future of humanitarian programming. The proposed benefits of working through existing market systems include improvements to speed, efficiency and effectiveness of programming and increased beneficiary dignity and choice. Advocates for market based approaches claim that, where feasible, they promote economic recovery, resilience, acceptance and sustainability. This paper seeks to: - locate CTP within the […]

Online since: 15.01.2018
Views: 2865
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Salian, P., Kibuuka A., Niwagaba, C. (2017) Town Sanitation Planning and District Investment Planning approaches in 6 towns and 4 districts in northern Uganda, and developing a Town Sanitation Plan strategy Lessons Learnt Report

GIZ-RUWASS program is supporting the improvement of the Ugandan water and sanitation sector through various projects. Amongst these projects is the USAID and GIZ co-funded project 'Capacity development of Town Councils to design and implement integrated and sustainable town sanitation plans'. The objective of the project is to make use of Town Sanitation Plans as a basis for planning and prioritizing investments resulting in tangible […]

Online since: 15.01.2018
Views: 2767
Downloads: 108

GIZ (2017) Toolbox for PTM Process Step 5 - Sustainability & Integration

A collection of tools and reference material for the fifth step of the Public Toilet Management process and its focal areas is available for download here.

Online since: 12.01.2018
Views: 2191
Downloads: 80

GIZ (2017) Toolbox for PTM Process Step 4 - Monitoring

A collection of tools and reference material for the fourth step of the Public Toilet Management process and its focal areas is available for download here.

Online since: 12.01.2018
Views: 2190
Downloads: 76



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