SuSanA Library

Post, V., Athreye, V. (2017) Financing Sanitation Paper Series Nr.4

In the world of sanitation, cost is often mentioned as important though seldom scrutinized. Perhaps strange is one considers that cost is one of the main reported reasons for people not having a toilet. Reducing costs while maintaining quality is a key driver of WASTE’s sanitation programmes. Yet even in our own programmes it is notoriously difficult to compare costs of sanitation systems within countries, […]

Online since: 01.12.2017
Views: 2926
Downloads: 51

GIZ (2017) Faecal Sludge Management in Kampala, Uganda Project insights from GIZ Uganda

The sanitation situation in most of Kampala can be summarized as follows: About 90% of it’s population relies on on-site sanitation facilities (pit latrines and septic tanks) whereas 50% of households share one sanitation facility, leading to unhygienic conditions. More than 50% of pit-latrines are un-lined and filled with solid waste and only 20 – 25% of the toilets have ever been emptied by a service […]

Online since: 28.11.2017
Views: 6319
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Kimera, P. (2017) Technology Applicability Framework - Assessment of the Faecal Sludge Transfer Station in Kampala, Uganda

The Faecal Sludge Transfer Station (FSTS) design is an innovation of Water for People (WfP) supported by GIZ RUWASS under a cofunding arrangement with the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Under the Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse (RRR) Project Phase II, two mobile Faecal Sludge Transfer Stations have been piloted from April to June 2017 within informal urban settlements in Kampala. The Technology Applicability […]

Online since: 28.11.2017
Views: 2685
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Dr. Uday Tekale, Dhanashree Gurav, Meena Narula, Adwait Joshi (2017) SuSanA India Chapter Seminar in Pune, 19th November 2017 Presentations of Speakers & Minutes of Meeting

The SuSanA India Chapter seminar about the topic towards ODF+ Urban Maharashtra was held in Pune, India on 18 November 2017 during the event SANIVATION’17 around World Toilet Day. Please also find the final report of the conference below. The context of the seminar was that Maharashtra State Government has recently declared all cities to be open defecation free (ODF). The seminar encouraged discussions on what […]

Online since: 23.11.2017
Views: 3091
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Toilet Board Coalition (2014) The Sanitation Economy in India: Market Estimates & Insights

The TBC is enabling private sector engagement; connecting large and small companies; and ensuring close collaboration between private, public and non-profit sectors with the common goal to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6), universal access to sanitation. Objectives: - To develop a baseline understanding of the potential of new markets derived from the Sanitation Economy as well as a quantified estimation of the opportunity - To […]

Online since: 22.11.2017
Views: 2746
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Toilet Board Coalition (2017) The circular sanitation economy: New Pathways to Commercial and Societal Benefits Faster at Scale

The TBC is enabling private sector engagement; connecting large and small companies; and ensuring close collaboration between private, public and non-profit sectors with the common goal to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6), universal access to sanitation. Objectives: To demonstrate the commercial viability of the Circular Sanitation Economy, by backcasting from the future, to envisage the new business models operating at city scale, and to explore […]

Online since: 22.11.2017
Views: 2638
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 (2017) Growing Healthy Things that girls need to know (MHM Booklet)

This booklet raises awareness among adolescent girls about Menstrual Hygiene Management and answer several FAQs on menstruation.

Online since: 21.11.2017
Views: 4279
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Jacob, N. (2017) WASH in Schools - What's next after 100% coverage? - A Thematic Discussion Series Synthesis hosted by the SuSanA India Chapter and India Sanitation Coalition

From 4 – 23 September 2017, the India Santation Coalition under the umbrella of the SuSanA India Chapter organised a thematic online discussion about WASH in Schools in India. The discussion examined how to improve WinS to a level where boys and girls have separate and adequate toilets, hand-washing facilities, hygiene is addressed in schools, and adolescent girls have  […]

Online since: 17.11.2017
Views: 4824
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Misati, A. G., Ogendi, G., Peletz, R., Khush, R., Kumpel, E. (2017) Can Sanitary Surveys Replace Water Quality Testing? Evidence from Kisii, Kenya.

Information about the quality of rural drinking water sources can be used to manage their safety and mitigate risks to health. Sanitary surveys, which are observational checklists to assess hazards present at water sources, are simpler to conduct than microbial tests. We assessed whether sanitary survey results were associated with measured indicator bacteria levels in rural drinking water sources in Kisii Central, Kenya. Overall, thermotolerant coliform (TTC) levels were […]

Online since: 15.11.2017
Views: 2220
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Peletz, R., Cock-Esteb, A., Ysenburg, D., Haji, S., Khush, R., Dupas, P. (2017) Supply and Demand for Improved Sanitation: Results from Randomized Pricing Experiments in Rural Tanzania.

Improving access to sanitation is a global public health priority. Sufficient consumer demand is required for sanitation coverage to expand through private provision. To measure consumer demand for hygienic latrine platform products in rural Tanzania, we conducted a randomized, voucher-based real-money sales trial with 1638 households with unimproved latrines. We also evaluated multiple supply chain options to determine the costs of supplying latrine platform products […]

Online since: 15.11.2017
Views: 1933
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WHO (2017) Climate-resilient water safety plans Managing health risks associated with climate variability and change

Medium- and long-term planning for an adequate and safe supply of drinking-water should be set in the context of growing external uncertainties arising from changes in the climate and environment. The water safety plan (WSP) process offers a systematic framework to manage these risks by considering the implications of climate variability and change. This document provides guidance on how climate considerations can be integrated into […]

Online since: 14.11.2017
Views: 3176
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Ghanem, N., Sabbagh,K., Halabi,S., Riachi, R., Hussieni,A., Bchara, H., Chackra, M.A. (2017) Feasibility Assessment for Water Service Provision to Informal Tented Settlements (ITS) in Lebanon A case study of North Bekaa

Syrian refugees living in informal tented settlements (ITS) are in an especially difficult position, being at the back of the proverbial queue for public water and other unregulated water sources. To alleviate the problem of water sourcing for refugees, humanitarian aid agencies have been delivering water by trucks. While this has ensured Syrians have adequate and, importantly, non-contaminated water, it has come at a financial and environmental cost. Water […]

Online since: 08.11.2017
Views: 2602
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Urban Management Centre (UMC) (2017) The ABC of WASH in Schools in India

"The ABC of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) improvement in schools” in India by the the Urban Management Centre is a handbook developed under the Ahmedabad Sanitation Action Lab (ASAL), a three year action research program. The program was specially designed to implement innovative solutions to school WASH problems in identified slum settlements of Ahmedabad. ASAL was led by the Urban Management Centre (UMC) in […]

Online since: 07.11.2017
Views: 3440
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TERI University (2017) State of Urban Water and Sanitation in India

The report aims to be a comprehensive collection and analysis of past and current policies and programmes and provides insights into the reasons for several gaps that become apparent when the sector is viewed holistically. The extensive review of international, national, and state-level reports draws upon a rich collection of secondary literature. A series of stakeholders’ consultation workshops were held at regional and national levels […]

Online since: 30.10.2017
Views: 4873
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State Level Sanitation Committee (SLSC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (2016) State Sanitation Strategies of Telangana, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh SNUSP II

Sanitation as per National Urban Sanitation Policy (2008) is defined as safe management of human excreta, including its safe confinement treatment, disposal and associated hygiene-related practices. The Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Kerala target to reduce the gap between the demand and supply of urban infrastructure services by increasing investments in urban infrastructure. The National Urban Sanitation Policy […]

Online since: 30.10.2017
Views: 3967
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Dauenhauer, K., Büürma, M., Schlenk, J., Sommer, M., Mahon, T. (2017) Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Schools: A neglected issue - A Thematic Discussion Series hosted by GIZ and SuSanA

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) refers to the way in which women and girls deal with their menstruation. Girls usually menstruate for the first time between the age of 10 and 15. Learning about menstruation is thus vital for secondary school students, but it is not too early to raise awareness in elementary school. Given the number of people affected by MHM in some way or […]

Online since: 24.10.2017
Views: 12996
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Eawag-Sandec, GIZ, Gret, pS-Eau, SuSanA, WaterAid, World Bank (2017) Safely managed sanitation in small towns

During the 2017 Stockholm World Water Week, SuSanA co-convened the event “Safely managed sanitation in small towns”. As a UN Habitat report highlighted, “between 20 to 50% of the population in most low and middle income countries live in small urban centres or large villages with small urban centres characteristics”. Small towns are often too small to have conventional sanitation infrastructures such as sewerage, but are […]

Online since: 23.10.2017
Views: 3482
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GTO (2017) WASH ePaper - Issue No. 7 Market Based Programming in Humanitarian WASH

The WASH ePaper is an online magazine published at regular intervals in several languages. Each issue takes a closer look at a current key issue in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector and related areas. It also provides updates on forthcoming national and international events, news, current publications and projects from the sector. The WASH ePaper is published by the German Toilet Organization (GTO) […]

Online since: 16.10.2017
Views: 2390
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Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (2017) BMZ Water Strategy A key contribution to implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement

Water and sanitation are key to implementing Agenda 2030 and the Paris climate agreement. The new water strategy of the Fed-eral Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) accounts for the importance of water in these global agreements. In the strategy, BMZ commits to contributing to creating a new dynamic in the sector necessary to reach SDG 6 and other water-related targets. Therefore, the ministry […]

Online since: 13.10.2017
Views: 3496
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Water Sector Trust Fund (2017) Water Sector Trust Fund Brochure Why Partner with the Water Sector Trust Fund

Introduction of the Water Sector Trust Fund: description of their activities and achievements in terms of number of projects and beneficiaries.

Online since: 13.10.2017
Views: 2408
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