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GIZ (2017) Toolbox for PTM Process Step 3 - Implementation

A collection of tools and reference material for the third step of the Public Toilet Management process and its focal areas is available for download here.

Online since: 12.01.2018
Views: 2612
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GIZ (2017) Toolbox for PTM Process Step 2 - Planning and Strategy

A collection of tools and reference material for the second step of the Public Toilet Management process and its focal areas is available for download here.

Online since: 12.01.2018
Views: 2953
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GIZ (2017) Toolbox for PTM Process Step 1 - Supply and Demand Assessment

A collection of tools and reference material for the first step of the Public Toilet Management process and its focal areas is available for download here.

Online since: 12.01.2018
Views: 3888
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WaterAid (2017) Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion within water, sanitation and hygiene Exploring integrated approaches to addressing inequality

Addressing gender inequality and disability rights is critical to a rights-based approach to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programming. Rights-based WASH should reflect all human rights principles, including ‘equality and non-discrimination’, and ‘participation and inclusion’. Approaching WASH with an inclusive lens is essential for achieving universal acces. This paper centres around two main questions: 1. How can the WASH sector continue to improve practice on gender and disability? 2. […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 4061
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Caruso,B. A., Clasen, T. F. , Hadley, C., Yount, K. M., Haardörfer, R., Rout, M., Dasmohapatra, M., Cooper, H. L. (2017) Understanding and defining sanitation insecurity: women’s gendered experiences of urination, defecation and menstruation in rural Odisha, India

Background Research suggests that the lived experience of inadequate sanitation may contribute to poor health outcomes above and beyond pathogen exposure, particularly among women. The goal of this research was to understand women’s lived experiences of sanitation by documenting their urination-related, defecation-related and menstruation-related concerns, to use findings to develop a definition of sanitation insecurity among women in low-income settings and to develop a conceptual […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 2441
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Wendland, C., Yadav M., Stock, A. and Seager, J. (2017) Gender, Women and Sanitation

Women and girls are especially affected by inadequate sanitation because of gender related differences - cultural and social factors - but also because of sex-related differences - physiological factors. Gender refers to the social differences and relations between men and women which are learned and often constructed and which differ in various societies and can change over time.  There are tremendous socio-economic benefits associated with improved […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 2323
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Routray, P., Torondel, B., Clasen, T., Schmidt, W. (2017) Women’s role in sanitation decision making in rural coastal Odisha, India

While women and girls face special risks from lack of access to sanitation facilities, their ability to participate and influence household-level sanitation is not well understood. This paper examines the association between women’s decision-making autonomy and latrine construction in rural areas of Odisha, India. A mixed-method study among rural households was conducted in Puri district. This included a cross sectional survey among 475 randomly selected households. […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 1911
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Baker KK, Padhi B, Torondel B, Das P, Dutta A, Sahoo, K. C., Das, B., Dreibelbis, R., Caruso, B., Freeman, M. C., Sager, L., Panigrahi, P. (2017) From menarche to menopause: A population-based assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene risk factors for reproductive tract infection symptoms over life stages in rural girls and women in India

Women face greater challenges than men in accessing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) resources to address their daily needs, and may respond to these challenges by adopting unsafe practices that increase the risk of reproductive tract infections (RTIs). WASH practices may change as women transition through socially-defined life stage experiences, like marriage and pregnancy. Thus, the relationship between WASH practices and RTIs might vary across […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 2344
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WaterAid (2017) Out of Order The State of the World's Toilets 2017

A lack of decent toilets and clean water causes diarrhoeal diseases that, on average, claim the lives of almost 800 children every day – one every two minutes. The health impacts of poor sanitation trap people in poverty, making it difficult to get an education or to work to support their families. The State of the World’s Toilets 2017 explores how the lack of decent toilets […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 1111
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Grant M., Huggett C., Willetts J. & Wilbur J. (2017) Gender Equality & Goal 6: The Critical Connection

Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Goal 6) to ‘ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’ requires explicit attention to gender equality and inclusion. Universal access to safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and appropriate management of water resources will only be achieved if the rights of women and marginalised people are fulfilled. The human right to water and sanitation (UN […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 3452
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Lala, S., Cronic, A.A., Basu, M., Nirvana, J. (2017) Conceptualizing a Hybrid Framework to Help Improve Gender Outcomes in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs in India

A gender-sensitive approach to ensure equity in WASH programs can achieve positive and sustainable outcomes, including participatory decisionmaking and empowerment of women. Gender analysis frameworks have a long history in development practice to guide strengthened gender outcomes, and opportunities exist to learn from such frameworks to support implementation of WASH programs in developing countries, including India. This paper reviews seven well-established gender analysis frameworks from […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 2066
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UNICEF (2017) Gender-Responsive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Key elements for effective WASH programming

Effective gender-responsive programming in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector can contribute to progress towards gender equality and important WASH results. This document outlines essential elements that WASH practitioners should take into account at all points in the programme cycle in order to enhance a gender-responsive approach to their work. Ensuring that women and girls have an equal role in the design, management and monitoring […]

Online since: 04.01.2018
Views: 3880
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WHO, UNECE (2016) Taking policy action to improve small-scale water supply and sanitation systems

Access to adequate water and sanitation services is essential for good individual and population health. People served by small-scale systems in rural areas and small towns have the right to the same level of health protection as others. Goals 3 and 6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development call for combating of waterborne diseases and for ensuring universal and equitable access to both safe […]

Online since: 28.12.2017
Views: 1360
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Tolani, F. (2017) MUM’S MAGIC HANDS A programme developed by Oxfam and Lifebuoy, Unilever’s health soap, to encourage handwashing with soap at key times in emergency affected communities to prevent the spread of diseases.

An overview of the partnership between Oxfam and Lifebuoy that brings together Oxfam’s humanitarian and public health response experience and Lifebuoy’s behaviour change and communications expertise to demonstrate the positive difference a public-private sector partnership can make in promoting health in vulnerable populations.

Online since: 14.12.2017
Views: 5323
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Fight Hunger Foundation, Aqua Assistance (2017) Sanitation Assessment of Palsunda, Vikaswadi and Saturly Villages of Mokhada block, Palghar district, Maharashtra, India

Mokhada is located at the foot of the Deccan Trap system. The soil is made of early Eocene basalt layers of volcanic origin. Igneous soils such as basalt are usually productive in terms of aquifer as they have a double storage capacity – they are porous due to the nature of the stone and they are cracked due to the structure of the rock formation. […]

Online since: 14.12.2017
Views: 3141
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SuSanA, WaterAid (2017) Opportunities for Knowledge Sharing Partnership Development Workshop Report of Workshop held in Accra, Ghana: 7th September, 2017

WaterAid UK, WaterAid Ghana, and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) platform in partnership with Ghana’s Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MSWR) organised a one-day workshop in Accra, Ghana: 7th September, 2017 on opportunities for knowledge sharing partnership via the SuSanA platform.

Online since: 13.12.2017
Views: 4340
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Hassib, Y. (2015) Recommendations concerning the scaling-uppotential of BORDA-DEWATS wastewater treatment in the urban context of Kabul, Afghanistan

BORDA-DEWATS constitutes the treatment element of a sanitation concept that starts with the individual user interface, the toilet, and continues with a simplified sewer system that connects a neighbourhood of less than 10 households up to a few hundred households. The collected wastewater then enters the treatment stage. Solid matter sediments under anaerobic conditions and decomposes by producing small quantities of inert sludge and methane. […]

Online since: 07.12.2017
Views: 2115
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GIZ (2020) Group Washing Facility - WASHaLOT 3.0

Handwashing with soap is the single most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Regular handwashing, specifically after using the toilet and before eating should be part of a daily routine in everyone’s life. Schools, kindergardens, day care centers, hospitals, bus-stations, canteens are public places, where handwashing should be made possible for many people at the same time. In the context of COVID-19, adjustments and recommendations […]

Online since: 07.12.2017
Views: 5704
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Niederberger, E., Ferron, S., O’Reilly, M. (2016) Guide to Community Engagement in WaSH: A practitioners’ guide, based on lessons from Ebola

This guide is a compilation of best practices and key lessons learned through Oxfam’s experience of community engagement during the 2014–15 Ebola response in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It aims to inform public health practitioners and programme teams about the design and implementation of community-centred approaches.

Online since: 06.12.2017
Views: 2752
Downloads: 33

Various authors (2017) 20th SanCoP meeting

The 20th SanCoP meeting's focus was on inclusion in relation to Menopause, Incontinence, LGBTI, Inclusion in emergencies, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Disabilities and Gender.

Online since: 01.12.2017
Views: 2370
Downloads: 138



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