Under the umbrella of the SuSanA Indian Chapter, the India Sanitation Coalition in partnership with Population Services International (PSI) and SuSanA, held a four-week thematic discussion on India's national rural sanitation programme, the Swachh Bharat Mission‐Gramin (SBM‐G).
Starting point for the discussion were findings from a PSI policy landscape study that reviewed existing literature and conducted key informant interviews to understand SBM‐G, key functions and players (private, public, formal, informal). Some of the chokepoints for the rural sanitation progress include
• The incremental budgetary increases in SBM‐G allocations
• Presence of a fragmented supply chain
• Missing incentives for market behaviours
This synthesis is a summary of all responses to these initial findings that were discussed in the forum.
Link to full online discussion
Jacob, N. (2018). From missing market incentives to misaligned incentives. What is choking India’s rural sanitation progress? Synthesis Document - SuSanA India Chapter thematic online discussion SuSanA
Link to full online discussion
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