The broader objective of the Participation Oriented Safety Training (POST) manual is to support emptiers and employers involved in this field to improve their knowledge of occupational health and safety in both manual and mechanical operations. The present training manual aims to address the risks involved in faecal sludge handing and emptying operations through the implementation of participation based model. And to provide the skills […]
Madison is the capital of the state of Wisconsin and the county seat of Dane County, and is home to 252,551 people. Sometimes described as the City of Four Lakes, it comprises the four successive lakes of the Yahara River: Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, Lake Waubesa and Lake Kegonsa. According to the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, 100% of the population in Madison relies on separate […]
The City of St. Louis is located within the state of Missouri, USA. Built along the Mississippi River, it borders St. Louis County but is not a part of it. The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) serves the City of St. Louis and 90% of St. Louis County, equivalent to a total of 1.3 million people. It is estimated that 90% of fecal sludge […]
Cape Cod is a geographic cape extending into the Atlantic Ocean from mainland Massachusetts, USA. It has a population of 215,888 people, nearly doubling in the summer. The sanitation infrastructure in Cape Cod consists of both centralized wastewater systems leading to a publicly-owned wastewater treatment plant with effluent disposal, as well as decentralized wastewater systems. Date of production: 24/07/2017
In this report, the relationship between geographic location, project implementation process, and ten factors were analyzed. In the urban case study, major influential factors included the presence of aid money, education, and concentration of pollution. The greater part of the urban project is carried out by the policy makers, indicating a “topdown” approach to development. In the rural case study, the major influential factors were […]
The previous chapters covered how stabilisation, drying, and pathogen reduction of faecal sludge (FS) can be achieved with different treatment technologies, and combinations of these various technologies. Each treatment technology results in endproducts which need to be further treated, disposed of, or harnessed for some type of resource recovery. Endproducts, for example dried or partially dried sludge, compost, leachate, and biogas, each have an intrinsic […]
The book includes detailed descriptions of all the process steps to be followed during the production of biogas, from the preparation of the suitable substrate to the use of biogas, the end product. Each individual stage is assessed and discussed in depth, taking the different aspects like application and potential into account. Biological, chemical, and engineering processes are detailed in the same way as apparatus, […]
This document aims at guiding how to design biogas stove.
For two decades, solid waste components in World Bank projects have focused on collection of solid wastes, with equipment provided to upgrade operations at existing open dumps. Since early 1990, the private sector has become increasingly being involved in the collection, disposal, and treatment of solid waste and World Bank projects have placed greater priority on implementation of new sanitary landfills. The following guidance provides […]
The purpose of this document is to explain the intent and requirements of the Part 503 rule and to assist owner/operators in determining the extent to which their biosolids management operation is covered. To help clarify the intent of the Part 503 rule! this guidance document sometimes uses terms that do not appear in the rule itself and organizes information differently from the rule. For […]
“Human waste” is a term that has traditionally been used to refer only to human excrements, namely fecal material and urine, which are by-products of the human digestive system. When discarded, these materials are colloquially known as human waste. When recycled for agricultural purposes, however, they’re known by various names, including night soil (when applied raw to fields in Asia) and human manure or humanure. […]
Greening innovation and urban agriculture can bring dignity, empowerment and food sovereignty to refugee communities. Simple technologies and waste recovery make these techniques cost effective and adaptable. Both should be central to designing, implementing and sustaining both refugee camps and overcrowded urban areas. This report examines current and potential use of greening innovation and urban agriculture in refugee camps, cities and rural settlements in four […]
The report summarizes the proceedings of the ILE in Indonesia, provides technical details and input of invited resource experts as well as participants, and expands on the key discussions that made the event such a lively, useful and practical experience for all participants. It is hoped that the report will be an important element in joint global knowledge management for WinS and that it will […]
Accountability and shared governance Nozibele Mjoli Make or break: accountability central to good sanitation governance Prasetyastuti Puspowardoya Co-management: enabling community-based sanitation sustainability Nughroho Tri Utomo & Declan Hearne Social contracts: a tool for better governance of water services Justino da Silva Supporting communities in Timor-Leste to audit government water supply services Strengthening enabling environments Henry Northover How did the East Asian 'Tigers' deliver sanitation within a generation? Lessons for the SDGs Virak Chan Innovation and learning from behaviour […]