Unilever convened a group of like-minded companies, NGO’s and research professionals, with expertise in sanitation and marketing and a desire to take immediate action to address this issue.
The focus has been on households having access to their own toilet, either inside or outside the home. In particular the low LSM consumer, whose basic needs for food & shelter are met and who have some disposable income for life-improving investments e.g. televisions, refrigerators, a mobile phone, bicycles etc., but for whom a toilet remains a significant purchase.
The work in this document focuses on the third of these; developing demand propositions, by understanding the triggers, motivators and barriers to move from open defecation, or use of a shared community toilet, to buying, installing and using a toilet at home.
Patimo, F., Jones, C. (2016). 'Get a Toilet' Building Demand for Toilets The Toilet Board Coalition (TCB), A report prepared for the toilet board coalition sponsored by Unilever