Gert Sibande College is a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institution, situated in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The college offers nationally certified training programs that are unit standard based and SAQA approved. Qualified and competent staff is available to give relevant education and training in Educational Programs which aim to enable learners to lead productive lives and make meaningful contributions to their community and the Nation as a whole. Qualified moderators and assessors give training in line with Department Of Education’s directive to implement Outcomes Based Education through eLearning methodology in order to service on site learners as well as distance learners. World class standards and well utilized computer and practicum rooms ensure that learners receive practical training. The curriculum develops the learner to his/her full potential. Business and Engineering theory is supplemented with practical training in line with standards from industry.2007 will see the implementation of a new National Certificate (Vocational) which will be offered by GSC. It will replace the current existing N1 to N3 with courses to empower learners with skills to be employed to alleviate poverty and unemployment. Subjects may then be chosen from a vocational program to provide the learner with high levels of specialization in that specific field. GS College provides learners and employers with learning opportunities suited to their relevant needs.
National Certificate (Generic Management)
Gert Sibande TVET College (2018). National Certificate (Generic Management) Gert Sibande TVET College, Mpumalanga, South Africa
EnglishSyllabus and course outlines (adult learning)