The function of the department is mainly to carry surveillance on sector dynamics, conduct training needs, develop and implement short tailor made courses for skills upgrading, problem solving, and refresher in the water and related sectors. The tailor made courses are to suit the training needs and interventions desired for organizational growth in accordance with strategic plans and business environment. The courses offered are interventional and fill the gaps created by the sector policy, economic, technological and social dynamics hence developing capacity that is able to provide a cost effective and sustainable service.
Kenya Water Institute Short Term Courses: Instrumentation for Water and Wastewater Services
Kenya Water Institute (2018). Kenya Water Institute Short Term Courses: Instrumentation for Water and Wastewater Services Kenya Water Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
EnglishSyllabus and course outlines (adult learning)
Kenya Water Institute Short Term Courses: Instrumentation for Water and Wastewater Services