SuSanA Library

Friedrich, M. (2016) Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Handwashing Campaign in Harare, Zimbabwe. A Case Study Applying the Practical Guide Systematic Behavior Change in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Consistent hand hygiene can reduce morbidity and mortality from diarrheal and respiratory diseases. Diarrhea and pneumonia are still the leading causes of mortality among children under five years of age in low-income and middle-income countries. Recent findings suggest that interventions promoting handwashing with soap lead to a 40% reduction in the risk of diarrhea. Despite its health impact, handwashing with soap is seldom practiced. It […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 979
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Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1254
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Marshall, K. (2016) Case Study: Responding to the Ebola Epidemic in West Africa: What Role Does Religion Play?

This case study is one of a series produced by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University and the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD), an NGO established in the World Bank and based today at Georgetown University. The goal is to generate relevant and demanding teaching materials that highlight ethical, cultural, and religious dimensions of contemporary international development […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1494
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Marcus, R., Harper, C. (2014) Gender Justice and Social Norms - Processes of Change for Adolescent Girls. Towards a Conceptual Framework 2

This publication presents the analytical framework for the current phase (year 2) of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) DFID-funded multi-year policy research programme, ‘Transforming the lives of adolescent girls’, which explores gender justice for adolescent girls in Ethiopia, Nepal, Uganda and Viet Nam. The current phase of this programme explores the changes and continuity in norms related to education and early marriage, along with a […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1122
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Malteser International (0) Mapping of Stakeholders and Initiatives on Early Warning Systems in Myanmar

Combating the risks to life and livelihoods caused by climate change and increasing numbers of natural hazards has become a global challenge, of particular concern in Asia. Malteser International has been work- ing in Myanmar since 2001 with a focus on humanitarian assistance in disaster-prone areas. Since Cyclone Nargis hit in 2008, prevention and risk reduction have become significant components of Malteser Interna- tional’s work nationally. To this end, […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 801
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WHO (0) Guidance on Communication with Respect to Safe Drinking Water and Household Hygiene Literature review, interviews and case studies

This document contains three sources of information: a literature review, a set of interviews with key informants, and a set of case studies. The focus of this document is on situations where long-term or chronic problems of inadequate access to safe water/sanitation, coupled with poor hygiene practices, expose people to health risks. It also focuses on situations where a water pollution incident gives rise to […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1215
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Lügo, T. (2017) How to Use Social Media to Better Engage People Affected by Crises. A Brief Guide for Those Using Social Media in Humanitarian Organizations

What's in this guide? Online communication platforms have become a lifeline for millions of people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts: social media and messaging apps help maintain contact with family and friends, and provide access to information, such as where to find food, shelter or medical assistance. This information can directly influence how people prepare for, respond to and recover from different types […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 800
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Fit for School (2016) Regional Fit for School Program Assessment Study (FIT_PAS) 2009–2014

A short report on the Fit for School Program Assessment Study from 2012 to 2014 done in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and the Health Outcome Study in the Philippines (2009 – 2011).

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1006
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Lennie, J. (2011) The Most Significant Change Technique. A Manual for M&E Staff and Others at Equal Access

Section 1: Introduction The Most Significant Change (MSC) technique is a tool for collecting, discussing and selecting stories about the significant changes that people experience as a result of your programs. It involves people at different levels of an organisation discussing the stories and then selecting the stories they consider most significant. This process aims to promote ongoing dialogue and learning about programs and how they […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1194
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Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1341
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FHI360 (2002) Behaviour Change: A Summary of Four Major Theories

This document presents and explains four of the most commonly cited theories used in HIV/AIDS prevention on how behavior change is believed to occur.

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 875
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Leclert, L., Wanjihia, C., Angly Bieri, F. (2019) The CHAST Kit – Children’s Hygiene and Sanitation Training, Flipchart

Online since: 04.01.2022
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Online since: 04.01.2022
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Leclert, L., Moser, D., Brogan, J., Mertenat, A., Harrison, J. (2018) Blue Schools - Linking WASH in schools with environmental education and practice, Catalogue of Practical Exercises

A Blue School offers a healthy learning environment and exposes students to environmentally-friendly technologies and practices that can be replicated in their communities. It inspires students to be change agents in their communities and builds the next generation of WASH and environment sector champions. The Catalogue of Practical Exercises aims to inspire teachers with hand-on and low cost exercises to complement the lessons from the […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1129
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Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1297
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Leclert, L., Affolter, J.S., Ndenga, J. (2018) From Awareness Raising to Sustainable Behaviour Change in School: The WASH in School Road Map

Development organisations working in the WASH sector tend to focus on their preferred methodologies for Hygiene and Sanitation (H&S) promotion, while the sustainability of an intervention depends much more on how the methodology is implemented and whether an enabling environment is in place. In 2014, Caritas Switzerland in Kenya started a learning and critical review process on how to improve its WASH in school interventions […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 875
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Lawrence, J. J., Yeboah-Antwi, K., Biemba, G., Ram, P. K., Osbert, N., Sabin, L. L., Hamer, D. H. (2016) Beliefs, Behaviors, and Perceptions of Community-Led Total Sanitation and Their Relation to Improved Sanitation in Rural Zambia

Inadequate hygiene and sanitation remain leading global contributors to morbidity and mortality in children and adults. One strategy for improving sanitation access is community-led total sanitation (CLTS), in which participants are guided into self-realization of the importance of sanitation through activities called “triggering.” This qualitative study explored community members' and stakeholders' sanitation, knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors during early CLTS implementation in Zambia. We conducted 67 […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 1138
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CDAC Network (2013) 101 Seminar Report: Social Media in Emergencies

101 Seminar Report: Social Media in Emergencies: On November 25th 2013 the CDAC Network hosted a 101 Seminar on Social Media for Emergencies. The Seminar was led by Anahi Ayala Iacucci of Internews and Gregory Barrow of WFP, and it was hosted by Plan UK. The CDAC Network 101 Seminar Series is designed to build the capacity of members by improving information sharing amongst members […]

Online since: 04.01.2022
Views: 733
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Farrington, M. (2018) Women's Social Architecture Project - Phase 1 Final Report

In May and June 2018, Oxfam undertook research with Rohingya women and adolescent girls living in Cox Bazar refugee camps, focused on the barriers and enablers of using WASH facilities in the camps. The research brought two female architects to work with women and girls to adapt the design of existing facilities, and to design new facilities to meet their needs. From discussions with women […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 705
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Ethiopia’s One WASH national programme (0) Study Session 11: Learning and Sharing in the WASH Sector

In this study session we step back again from the main OWNP documents and processes to focus on learning and sharing. We will consider the importance of creating, learning and sharing new knowledge and best practice across the WASH sector and of using it effectively to meet the aims of the OWNP in Ethiopia. You will be introduced to examples of national, regional and local […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 824
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