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Online since: 06.01.2022
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Walker, A., Early, J. (2010) “We Have to Do Something for Ourselves": Using Photovoice and Participatory Action Research to Assess the Barriers to Caregiving for Abandoned and Orphaned Children in Sierra Leone

The purpose of this qualitative participatory action research study was multi-fold: first, to identify the ecological factors which impede and promote health and well-being among orphaned and abandoned children in Sierra Leone; second, to facilitate Photovoice, a participatory action research method, among NGO workers to identify barriers to caregiving for orphaned and abandoned children; and third, to build organizational and community capacity to bring about social […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
Views: 561
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IFRC, UNICEF (2020) Guide to Run Focus Group Discussions with Community Volunteers. Risk Communication and Community and Community Engagement for the New Coronavirus

The purpose of this risk communication and community engagement guide is to help you run a focus group discussion (FGD) with community volunteers to understand the questions, rumours, suggestions and concerns they are hearing about the new coronavirus from people during their work in communities. Volunteers live and work in communities and so are a valuable source of information on the current information and beliefs […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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IFRC, UNICEF (2020) Focus Group Discussion Guide for Communities. Risk Communication and Community Engagement for the New Coronavirus

The purpose of this risk communication and community engagement guide is to help you run a focus group discussion (FGD) with community members to find out the perceptions, questions, suggestions and rumours within the community about the new coronavirus. It is important the Red Cross and Red Crescent understands what people already know and think about the new coronavirus so we can adapt health messages […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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IFRC, Ground Truth Solutions (2019) How to Establish and Manage a Systematic Community Feedback Mechanism

An IFRC guide on ‘How to Establish and Manage a Systematic Community Feedback Mechanism’, which details how to integrate community feedback to improve decision making.

Online since: 06.01.2022
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Wang, C.C., Yi, W.K., Tao, Z.W., Carovano, K. (1998) Photovoice as a Participatory Health Promotion Strategy Health Promotion International. Vol. 13, Issue 1

Photovoice is a participatory action research strategy by which people create and discuss photographs as a means of catalyzing personal and community change. The use of photovoice as an effective tool for carrying out participatory needs assessment, conducting participatory evaluation and reaching policy-makers has been discussed elsewhere. Here the authors examine the claims made for the effectiveness of photovoice as a participatory method. To do […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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IFRC (0) Venn Diagram. EVCA Toolbox

A Venn diagram is a drawing, in which circular areas represent groups of items sharing common properties. Venn diagrams can be used to collect social data by using circles to show the links or relationships between different parts of a community or institution. A Venn diagram in the context of a VCA is used to examine similarities and differences between institutions, partners, people and issues […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
Views: 1062
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WASH in Schools Network (2020) WASH in Schools Checklists to Manage COVID-19 Response Checklists for School Entrances, Classrooms and Toilets

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Online since: 06.01.2022
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Washington Group on Disability Statistics (2020) The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (WG-SS)

The WG Short Set of six questions on functioning for use on national censuses and surveys was developed, tested and adopted by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG). The questions reflect advances in the conceptualization of disability and use the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) as a conceptual framework. In a break from the past and the medicalization of […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
Views: 1002
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Oxfam (2018) Mum’s Magic Hands. Africa Storyboard

Oxfam and Unilever’s Chief Sustainability Office carried out extensive research on handwashing practice in emergency contexts. We found nurture to be one of the most powerful motivators driving handwashing with soap among mothers. Even during a crisis, mothers continue to nurture their children to ensure they go onward in life and succeed in bringing fruition to their efforts and fulfillment to their lives. […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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WaterAid (2020) Removing Barriers to the Practice of Hygiene in Southern Africa Summary of Formative Research Findings in Five Countries

Online since: 06.01.2022
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Oxfam (2018) Mum’s Magic Hands. A Field Guide for Rapid Implementation of Handwashing Promotion in Emergencies

Handwashing promotion programmes in emergencies are important, as they significantly contribute to the reduction of diarrhoea-related diseases. These programmes traditionally focus on the health benefits of handwashing as a key motivator. Information – in the form of messages – is delivered to beneficiaries about the key times to wash hands and how doing this at certain times can reduce morbidity rates. However, over the years […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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IFRC (2017) Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Toolkit: Adaptation for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Americas Regional Office of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), through its Zika Response Team, has adapted an interactive toolkit and teaching guides for Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Prevention to the regional context by translating the materials to Spanish and adding a Seasonal Calendar for Vector Control to the toolkit. Additionally, the Zika Response Team will host a webinar […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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Oxfam (2012) Hygiene Promotion for Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Emergencies UK

It is now well accepted that despite source water being safe, water can be contaminated during transportation and storage and the hygienic handling of water during transport, storage and use is an important aspect of hygiene promotion in all WASH interventions In an emergency, it may not always be possible to ensure that the source water is clean (within the existing budget or time constraints) and […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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Oxfam (2015) Gender Analysis in WASH. Recovery Assistance to Earthquake Affected Communities of Sindhupalchok.

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April 2015. This was followed by several powerful aftershocks, including a major one (7.3 magnitude) on 12 May, 2015. A total of 8,855 people were confirmed dead and a further 22,309 suffered injuries as a result of the earthquakes. Out of Nepal’s 75 districts, 14 districts which were home to 5.4 million Nepalese people were among the […]

Online since: 06.01.2022
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Online since: 06.01.2022
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IFRC (2010) VCA Toolbox with Reference Sheets

This toolbox looks at different participatory investigative tools that can be used by National Society staff and volunteers to accomplish a successful VCA. As shown in the diagram below, it forms part of a comprehensive four-part series of publications addressing all aspects of VCA.

Online since: 06.01.2022
Views: 876
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