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Online since: 03.01.2022
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Duijster, D., Monse, B., Dimaisip-Nabuab, J., Djuharnoko, P., Heinrich-Weltzien, R., Hobdell, M., Kromeyer-Hauschild, K., Kunthearith, Y., Mijares-Majini, M.C., Siegmund, N., Soukhanouvong, P., Benzian, H. (2017) ‘Fit for school’ – a school-based water, sanitation and hygiene programme to improve child health: Results from a longitudinal study in Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR

The Fit for School (FIT) programme integrates school health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene interventions, which are implemented by the Ministries of Education in four Southeast Asian countries. This paper describes the findings of a Health Outcome Study, which aimed to assess the two-year effect of the FIT programme on the parasitological, weight, and oral health status of children attending schools implementing the programme in […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 856
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Dreibelbis, R., Winch, P.J., Leontsini, E., Hulland, K.RS., Ram, P.K., Unicomb, L., Luby, S.P. (2013) The Integrated Behavioural Model for WASH: A Systematic Review of Behavioural Models and a Framework for Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions in Infrastructure-Restricted Settings

A number of WASH-specific models and frameworks exist, yet with some limitations. The IBM-WASH model aims to provide both a conceptual and practical tool for improving our understanding and evaluation of the multi-level multi-dimensional factors that influence water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in infrastructure-constrained settings. We outline future applications of our proposed model as well as future research priorities needed to advance our understanding of […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1565
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Dreibelbis, R., Kroeger, A., Hossain, K., Venkatesh, M., Ram, P.K. (2016) Behavior Change without Behavior Change Communication: Nudging Handwashing among Primary School Students in Bangladesh

Behavior change communication for improving handwashing with soap can be labor and resource intensive, yet quality results are difficult to achieve. Nudges are environmental cues engaging unconscious decision-making processes to prompt behavior change. In this proof-of-concept study, we developed an inexpensive set of nudges to encourage handwashing with soap after toilet use in two primary schools in rural Bangladesh. We completed direct observation of behaviors […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1291
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Shariatpur Municipality Bangladesh

Shariatpur municipality is the heart of Shariatpur district, formed by the floodplain of the Padma, about 60 km south of the capital Dhaka. Although it was established as a district town in 1974, Shariatpur municipality was declared in 1975. Shariatpur is one of the 53 district-level Municipalities in the country. According to the population census in 2011 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the Shariatpur […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1174
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Dominguez, E. (2017) Baby WASH and the 1,000 Days. A Practical Package for Stunting Reduction. Contributing to Malnutrition Reduction Through a Multi-Sector Approach

Poor WASH conditions are thought to be one of the main causes of child stunting. The household environment in which children develop and grow is highly related to their nutritional status. Direct and indirect pathways exist between WASH and stunting, from diarrheal diseases and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED), to socio-economic conditions and time constraints to child care practices. The BabyWASH concept has recently emerged to […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1322
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Dillon, N., Campbell, L. (2018) Lessons Papers: A Methods Note

This Methods Note proposes a revised methodology for future ALNAP Lessons Papers. It seeks to improve the rigour of the research methods used to generate them, while maintaining the broad research questions and inclusive approach to grey literature review. This Methods Note is aimed primarily at the ALNAP Secretariat and authors of future Lessons Papers. It should be used to guide the definition of the Terms […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 767
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Bagerhat Municipality Bangladesh

Bagerhat is one of the coastal towns of southern Bangladesh, which is 264 km away from the capital city Dhaka. It is beside the river Bhairab and well connected with road, water, and railways. It was declared as a municipality in 1958. It consists of 9 wards and 31 mahallas. Bagerhat is one of the 53 district-level Municipality in the country. According to the population census […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1735
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Patuakhali Municipality Bangladesh

Patuakhali is a coastal town and district headquarter of Patuakhali district, is located on the southern bank of Laukathi river in the division of Barisal in Bangladesh. It is 280 km away from Dhaka city and well connected through road and water. It is the administrative headquarter of Patuakhali district and one of the oldest towns and municipalities in the country. Patuakhali municipality was established […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1635
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CWIS-FSM Support Cell, DPHE (2021) SFD Lite Report Natore Municipality Bangladesh

Natore municipality under Natore district is one of the influential urban areas in northern Bangladesh and connecting hub of central and southwest parts of the country. The city is 207 km away from the capital Dhaka city. Natore is considered as the gateway for connecting divisional headquarters Rajshahi to Capital City Dhaka as well as Rangpur Division and Khulna Division. and well connected with road, […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 1335
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Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 802
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Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 927
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Davis, R., Dart, J. (2005) The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) Technique. A Guide to Its Use

This publication is aimed at organisations, community groups, students and academics who wish to use MSC to help monitor and evaluate their social change programs and projects, or to learn more about how it can be used. The technique is applicable in many different sectors, including agriculture, education and health, and especially in development programs. It is also applicable to many different cultural contexts. MSC […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 801
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Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 622
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Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 890
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Cosgrave, J., Buchanan-Smitz, M., Warner, A. (2016) Evaluation of Humanitarian Action Guide

The Evaluation of Humanitarian Action Guide supports evaluation specialists and non-specialists in every stage of an evaluation, from initial decision to final dissemination. A pilot version of this Guide was first released in June 2013, following a three-year drafting process led by ALNAP, co-authors John Cosgrave and Margie Buchanan-Smith, and supported by an inter-agency advisory group. 15,000 EHA Guide downloads later, ALNAP has gathered feedback from more […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 929
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Coombes, Y., Devine, J. (2010) Introducing FOAM: A Framework to Analyze Handwashing Behaviors to Design Effective Handwashing Programs

The FOAM (Focus on Opportunity, Ability, and Motivation) is a framework designed to help in the development, monitoring, and evaluation of handwashing behavior change programs. FOAM was developed for use in resource-poor settings, but it can also be adapted for other socioeconomic environments. This working paper is intended for use by program managers implementing handwashing behavior change initiatives, as well as multilateral and bilateral agencies, […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 964
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Contzen, N., Marks, S. J. (2018) Increasing the Regular Use of Safe Water Kiosk Through Collective Psychological Ownership: A Mediation Analysis

Unsafe water consumption is the environmental risk factor in sub-Saharan Africa contributing most to premature death. In urban slums and dispersed rural communities, where access to safe water is especially limited, water kiosks are a relevant safe water source. However, irregular use challenges their operational viability and may cause discontinuation. The present study investigated collective psychological ownership for the kiosk as a potential factor to […]

Online since: 03.01.2022
Views: 762
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WHO (2005) Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion - General Principles Section One

This section provides some information that may be useful in designing advocacy programmes at national level. It also introduces some of the basics of sanitation and hygiene promotion and lays out the authors’ biases in terms of new approaches to making programmes more effective. Non-specialists are particularly encouraged to read this section. The section sets out to explain why sanitation and hygiene promotion are important. […]

Online since: 30.12.2021
Views: 1434
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WHO (2017) WHO Strategic Communications Framework for Effective Communications

PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND WHO recognizes that effective, integrated and coordinated communication is integral to carrying out WHO’s goal to build a better, healthier future for people all over the world. The purpose of this Framework is to describe a strategic approach for effectively communicating WHO information, advice and guidance across a broad range of health issues: from chronic health issues to emerging and novel risks. WHO […]

Online since: 30.12.2021
Views: 1268
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