SuSanA Library

SuSanA (2019) A standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA

This standard set of powerpoint slides about SuSanA has been developed by the SuSanA secretariat to provide a more detailed overview of SuSanA. It will also help people who are giving presentations about SuSanA to have the latest information on hand and to have a common starting point. It is updated from time to time. The slides about the SuSanA Discussion Forum are now in […]

Online since: 07.11.2011
Views: 13296
Downloads: 805

Luethi, C., Morel, A., Tilley, E., Ulrich, L. (2011) Community-Led Urban environmental sanitation planning: CLUES Complete guidelines for decision-makers with 30 tools

Online since: 07.11.2011
Views: 11665
Downloads: 1007

Mang, H. (1992) Biogas from toilet waste Some figures for calculation

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 8982
Downloads: 637

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 6809
Downloads: 111

Ainea, E. (1992) Cylinder capped biogas plants Special energy programme - CAMARTEC

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 5565
Downloads: 122

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 4587
Downloads: 51

Kimaro, A., Butare, A., Kellner, C., Hgowi, H., Athumani, M., Lutaihwa, M., Hoffmann, R., Nasser, R., Kombe, S., Hoerz, T. (1982) My biogas unit How to handle, how to get the most out of it, what to do in case of problems

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 6168
Downloads: 10266

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 7225
Downloads: 521

Zhensheng, Y., Guociong, X., Jlayue, G., Chuan hua, S., Fang, L,. Guofang, W., Lisai, Y. (1992) The effect of biogas management on improvement of environment and preventing diseases

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 7419
Downloads: 172

Danawade, L., Joglekar, V. (1991) The performance of a night soil based biogas plant

Online since: 04.11.2011
Views: 9256
Downloads: 382

Garduño, F. et al. (2011) Sanihuerto y Fosa Alterna (in Spanish) Mobile composting toilet and fosa alterna

Online since: 03.11.2011
Views: 4738
Downloads: 62

Garduño, F., Sawyer, R., Bocanegra, M. (2011) Metodología SARAR (in Spanish) SARAR methodology

Online since: 03.11.2011
Views: 5107
Downloads: 144

Garduño, F., Bulnes, M., Bocanegra, M. (2011) Manual de uso y mantenimiento del sanitario seco desviador de orina de una cámara (in Spanish) Guideline for operation and maintenance of a single vault UDDT

Online since: 02.11.2011
Views: 13428
Downloads: 414

Garduño, F., Bulnes, M., Bocanegra, M. (2011) Manual de uso y mantenimiento de sanihuerto y fosa alterna (in Spanish) Guideline for operation and maintenance of a mobile composting toilet

Online since: 02.11.2011
Views: 5245
Downloads: 124

Morgan, P. (2011) Trees as recyclers of nutrients present in human excreta Main tree report

Online since: 01.11.2011
Views: 9978
Downloads: 16606

Regelsberger, M., Bahlo, K., Conte, G., Ebeling, B., Masi, F., Mitterer-Reichmann, G., Platzer, C., Regelsberger, B., Urtane, L., Wach, G. (2005) Sustainable Water Management and Wastewater Purification in Tourism Facilities Guidelines for Sustainable Water Management in Tourism Facilities

Online since: 01.11.2011
Views: 4124
Downloads: 69

Online since: 31.10.2011
Views: 3893
Downloads: 24

Rieck, C., von Muench, E. and Onyango, P. (2011) Up-scaling lessons from the EU-Sida-GTZ Ecosan Promotion Project in Kenya

Online since: 28.10.2011
Views: 5009
Downloads: 8326

Guenther, I., Horst, A., Luethi, C., Mosler, H.-J., Niwagaba, B. C., Tumwebaze K., I. (2011) Where do Kampala's poor go? Urban sanitation conditions in Kampala's low-income areas

Online since: 27.10.2011
Views: 4857
Downloads: 52

Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T., Dagerskog, L. (2011) Conseils Pratiques pour une Utilisation de l’Urine en Production Agricole (in French) Practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production

Online since: 27.10.2011
Views: 8088
Downloads: 565



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