Inclusive design of school latrines How much does it cost and who benefits? Jones, H. (2011)

• WEDC research shows that the additional cost of making a school latrine accessible is less than 3% of the overall costs of the latrine. • The most cost-effective way to improve access for children with disabilities is to incorporate accessibility into the design from the outset (inclusive design) rather than making expensive changes later. • Inclusive design means a user-friendly, child-friendly design, which benefits all users, including adolescent girls, small children, and children who are sick. • However well designed the latrine, other factors such as location, distance and approach path affect accessibility and need to be part of planning and design.

Bibliographic information

Jones, H. (2011). Inclusive design of school latrines How much does it cost and who benefits? WEDC, Loughborough University, UK

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Inclusive design of school latrines

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Inclusive design of school latrines

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

WEDC, Loughborough University, UK

Jones, H.

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